Star Wars prequel comics

Discussion in 'Books' started by olckicker, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. olckicker

    olckicker Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    In an effort to close the gap between episodes II & III I'm thinking of checking Dark Horse Star Wars comics. There are many books to choose from so I need help with recommendations, ideally trade paperbacks so I could borrow them from libraries. Thanks.
  2. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    Try the trade paperbacks of Republic and Empire. They're the ones that focus on what happens between Ep 2 and 3.

    Empire is nice because it's from the perspective of the Empire.
  3. fiddlestick

    fiddlestick New Member

    Jul 17, 2001
    The 4 8 0
    Can anyone explain what the old "Shadows of the Empire" novel was all about?
    There were claims that it was supposed to provide continuity for the prequels (which it didn't).
    They even put out SotE toys and a video game.

    But all it was was a crappy book that made Vader out to be a big sissy inside.
  4. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
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    wasn't that the book that bridged star wars and empire (i.e. original trilogy and not the prequel trilogy). what was it all about? same thing every other star wars book is -- feeding the beast, making some money. it wasn't too bad, but it did put an odd spin on vader. it's the only star wars book i've read.
  5. fiddlestick

    fiddlestick New Member

    Jul 17, 2001
    The 4 8 0
    Except this one allegedly got the Lucas Stamp of Approval as being an official piece of contiguous stuff, unlike the majority of the ancillary novels which are just licensed and he never reads them.
    Supposedly the "bridge" was supposed to be something of significance, but it never came about as such. Moneywhoring dillholes.
  6. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    SotE took place between Ep 5 and 6. It shows Princess Leia's secret search for Boba Fett and her seduction by Prince Xizor (lame character); the Jedi training of Luke Skywalker in Tatooine and the construction of his new lightsaber; Darth Vader's search for his son and the Emperor's new plan to crush the Rebel Alliance. The book introduced two quasi-important characters, Prince Xizor and Dash Rendar.
  7. fiddlestick

    fiddlestick New Member

    Jul 17, 2001
    The 4 8 0

    Or as I like to call him, Han Solo.

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