I would take Ramos over Wynalda. Saying you would take Schmid would be like saying you like breathing. I doubt he wants to move to Tx, he's a...
Did you mean that little double entendre? Is the team back to 2002? I knew that there was a lot to the Dax story I was not privy to. But now...
ok Hitman, I feel your pain. The Burn and FC Dallas have always been difficult to love. One of the reasons I was so rabid about them winning...
I knew this off season was going to be good. Another good move, truly what the team needed to avoid playing through next year with a major...
Yea, good to be back. I've been watching, and am more encouraged by what I saw at the end of the season than the beginning. It does not hurt...
Rhine was never the best player on the team, but he was always one of the best VALUES on the team. He never commanded a high salary, but never...
I base it on watching the game, and watching them compete for the ball. I base it on Cooper's best games happening when Ruiz is no where on the...
My opinion was and is, that Cooper and Ruiz are not a good combination. Either one is a fine player, and with some other forward, either can be...
Well I was close. He picked Morrow not Pareja. But Pareja will probably stay on staff. He says he's different, and that he knows where he...
You know, I actually think that's a vote in favor of Morrow. I'm so sick of crybabies and prima donnas underperforming... I too am...
Richie Williams vs. Oscar Pareja and Steve Morrow Or is it Steve Morro and Oscar Pareja vs. Richie Williams well ok, I'll be serious....
I don't agree with that. Clarke needed to be let go because he failed to move the team forward in the playoffs. If you think Morrow can do no...
Remember that news that Arena was hired was leaked in the middle of the MLS season, and he denied everything until the season was over. Then he...
I am with Scipio, this was a good deal. Serioux (hope I spelled that right) is a good player, he's a starter. So right away you got a starter...
Hey troll, you and the other people that support your team, are the first, foremost, and really only reason I feel this way about one player...