This is getting out of hand, the moderator should close this thread and everybody should go there separate ways. I apologize for any trouble...
Hello Dr. Petcu I am glad that you run, manage and have a a legal multi milion dollar bussines. However, why did you do what you did and hi-jack...
Planet2 wrote "You never traded with me because I refused you" about Nick. However Planet2 forget to write that he hi-jacked Nick's web...
Hi, thanks for the reply. I do not know Takanao, however I have heard good things about him. I do know several collectors from Japan and Asia...
good post totally agree could not have said it better
Hi Ingo Just asked you to show some good will, as you asked me for good will, which I showed you and sent you a rare game that you asked for and...
Hello Ingo As you wrote and posted on September 24th. "For information: Tony presented me a very rare game! For nothing! I am always...
Hello JDM_Suisse I have no problem with you at all, it is a free world, anybody can trade with anybody they want to, I am ok with this. If...
Hello JDM_Suisse I have always used my real name "Tony Federici". I live in America, in the state of "Maryland", in the city of "Bowie". This is...
I will have this game shortly as it is coming to me from Germany
"And to the many nicknames: each of us uses a pseudonym. Nobody writes his real name in here?" This is funny, I have always used my real name,...
Yep and the DDR won (only world cup game that Netzer played in by the way), however maybe there will be revenge soon as did you all see that in...
Thank you for the e-mail that I received, I apologize for any problems, lets try to correct the problem that you are having as I was unaware of this.
I am sorry that you feel this way. I do not know who you are as I never made any trades or deals with "ruhrpott dackel" in my life that I know...
COULD NOT AGREE MORE, THANKS FOR THE WARNING As for the man who is the animal doctor that lives in Arizona, that you wrote about above, yes I...