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Jul 25, 1988 (Age: 36)

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Soccer Obsession

Soccer Obsession

Member, 36, from Pasadena

Soccer Obsession was last seen:
Apr 16, 2013
    1. modernsimian
      I couldn't agree with soccer obsession more, the first and only love being the Galaxy, I am in the same position as I hold the Galaxy to be the team in my veins since the team was founded and will remain there for my kids to have as well and so on. It feels great to be able to be part of the history of a team and witness it in all its good and bad. With the Galaxy as well as MLS, we're getting a chance to live it and love it and shape it's future. Before MLS I developed and still have a fondness for Arsenal. I didn't really have a reason to have a tie to the club. As a kid and I decided Arsenal would be my team...I hated Man U (I learned quickly) as well as Spurs, no doubt but living in the states all my life I felt left out and lacking a bit, not in my love for the game but in the club being a part of me and my history. I still love Arsenal and continue to watch EPL but MLS and The LA Galaxy are now my number 1 priority when it comes to love for a club. Galaxy forever forever Galaxy.
    2. Jedimaster1
      I am torn between Arsenal & Chelsea. I like Arsenal's tradition and competitiveness every year. But with many players desiring to jump ship if they don't make the champions league and Real Madrid desire to ascertain Wenger, it makes me wonder about their future.

      Chelsea I like because, well for one, in the gayest sense (lol), I like their jerseys. They have the sweetest one's in the EPL imo. Second, I like that they have no real history. This would allow me to be a part of their history rather than missing out on all the good stuff. I don't like the fact that they are old, lack up-and-comng youth, and seem to be heading towards decline. Thus, I am in a quandary.

      Have you been out to these team's games? What's it like? What's the atmosphere out there? Just wondering.

      Anyway, I like hearing from you. You seem to know your stuff and converstate it in a rational, thought provoking way rather than the vacuous style I read sometimes on these forums. Take care.
    3. Jedimaster1
      Who do you support in the EPL? If you mind me asking...

      Have a good one!
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  • About

    Jul 25, 1988 (Age: 36)
    First Name:
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    United States - Major League Soccer
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Do you play soccer:
    Position you play:
    Player you'd most like to meet:
    Ronaldo (the REAL Ronaldo)


    Last Activity:
    Apr 16, 2013
    Jun 13, 2007
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