I dont think the above link works, maybe this oen does.......
Im selling a pair of Ronaldinho Legends in size 10US........very good price, check it out at:...
d4a12 how much for the SG Manias??
Whats the cheapest youd sell them? Also would you trade? I have Pulses 11. AZT 90 III 11. Copa Mundials (all black) 10.5 (all used). PM Me with...
Sukenkhoy, how much for JUST the Copas???
iran controlled the game. simple. and they basicalyl had a "b" team out there, No Karimi, and injured players came off, and with Daie up front it...
All they need is a win against Togo
U cant rank teams at this moment, some teams such as Saudi Arabia have played Tunisia :confused: meanwhile a team like TnT played England, you...
i honestly hate mexico, one of the most overrate and worst teams ive seen, right after USA.
Karimio is injured, obviously hes going to play weak when hse injured. He is Asias Maradonna, he ********e dup all the AS Roma players and...
No. I think perspolis played QPR once, I know for sure an iranian team did, not sure who though.
Man so many media tricks in this WC!! IS DAIE PLAYIN? IS C.RONALDO PLAYIN?