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Dec 10, 2024 at 5:56 PM
Jul 15, 2005
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Member+, from an island in my mind

Sanchito was last seen:
Dec 10, 2024 at 5:56 PM
    1. Don Boppero 3000
      Don Boppero 3000
      Tons k flaquillo.
      1. LGRod repped this.
      2. LGRod
        k d k o k?
        Jun 19, 2021
    2. Special_talent23
      Porque al moderador le caia mal Sanchito y estaba esperando cualquier cosa para banearme, lo que dije fue que Faitelson es un judio, lo cual no es ningun insulto porque nacio en Israel y el mismo acredito su nacionalidad judia.

      O sea, el tipo me baneo por sus puros huevos, no dije ningun insulto racista ni nada.
      1. Sanchito
        Asi me ha pasado con varios mods compa...animo, pronto regresaras.
        Jul 6, 2017
        LGRod and Special_talent23 repped this.
      2. Special_talent23
        Pero te dan bann para siempre, no? the bann is permanent? La neta no me preocupa pero se me hace patetico que porque te caiga mal un forista lo bannes, el que sepa leer en español sabe que ni siquiera dije algun insulto, dije que Faitelson es judio, lo cual es, asi como Barak Fever, ellos mismos lo han dicho. Saludos.
        Jul 6, 2017
    3. Don Boppero 3000
      Don Boppero 3000
      On tas...falta el popstar de bsmx..
      1. LGRod repped this.
      2. Sanchito
        Ocupado compa...valiendo madre.
        Mar 30, 2017
        LGRod and Don Boppero 3000 repped this.
    4. LGRod
      welcome to sig city
    5. Hugo Sanchez
      Hugo Sanchez
      I'm going to punch your lights out.
      1. Don Boppero 3000 and LGRod repped this.
      2. Sanchito
        May 23, 2016
        LGRod repped this.
      3. Hugo Sanchez
        Hugo Sanchez
        I miss you.
        May 23, 2016
    6. Hugo Sanchez
      Hugo Sanchez
      Ya deja a las morritas de BigSoccer en paz.
      1. LGRod repped this.
    7. Chico Facil
      Chico Facil
      Lol. You do? I wouldn't have thought so. I really didn't post too often at all. Maybe I will go back.

      Good to hear from you, carnal.
      1. LGRod and Sanchito repped this.
    8. Chico Facil
      Chico Facil
      1. LGRod repped this.
      2. Sanchito
        Oh shit. I remember you. You didn't post all that often did you? You should go back and post. I'm a part time mod over there.
        Sep 23, 2015
    9. Chico Facil
      Chico Facil
      No kidding! I was on boxingfanatics, too. Couldn't remember the name of that board, though. Is it still up and running? I haven't gone back in about seven or eight years.
      1. LGRod repped this.
      2. Sanchito
        Oh yea. I still post there. What was your name?
        Sep 23, 2015
    10. Chico Facil
      Chico Facil
      Hey, carnal. Kind of left-field here, but by any chance are you the same Sanchito that used to post on boxing boards several years back?
      1. LGRod repped this.
      2. Sanchito
        Yep! Was on max boxing, seconds out, and boxingfanatics. You?
        Sep 23, 2015
    11. Hugo Sanchez
      Hugo Sanchez
      Quien te quiere?
      1. LGRod repped this.
      2. Sanchito
        Naiden. Y asi me gusta.
        Aug 17, 2015
        LGRod repped this.
    12. Baysic
      @LGRod eres un aborto de la sociedad
      1. yanin., Sanchito and LGRod repped this.
      2. LGRod
        Mar 16, 2015
      3. LGRod
        well played friend.
        Mar 16, 2015
    13. LGRod
      1. yanin. repped this.
    14. yanin.
      1. LGRod and Sanchito repped this.
    15. yanin.
      I swear I heard you singing in one of those twilight movies. <_<
      1. LGRod repped this.
    16. Atlas10
      tu madre es la basura de Nicki minaj
      1. LGRod and Sanchito repped this.
    17. Socrates_81
      Hey man. Need your help asap. Have a date tomorrow in San Jose. Any ideas for restaurants? Type of food isn't really an issue, but just looking for a cool place to take a date. Hope you get this in time...if not, google it is lol
    18. Overachiever
      You were right about Rafa defending the nads, he did it on my gringos wall of shame posts lol
      1. Sanchito
        I just saw this..Rafa is a hack with no balls....talks about history and only makes negative predictions and never puts himself out there
        Mar 28, 2013
    19. Socrates_81
      What's up old friend. How's the fam? Anyway, rarely on here, but just wanted to let you know I moved to the Bay Area, San Fran to be exact.

      Just saying what's up, and hoping for a nice Mexico win today. See ya.
      1. LGRod repped this.
      2. Sanchito
        No way! Awesome! Where in the city did you move to (neighborhood) and why did you move there?
        Sep 11, 2012
      3. Socrates_81
        I'm not familiar with neighborhoods yet, but south SF, heading towards mission road. I moved for school. It's pretty nice over here. I've enjoyed the city so far. I need to get out more and explore outside of SF, just haven't had time.
        Sep 14, 2012
    20. Estevo
      I thought I had read something about you getting a new job and moving. Good luck dude... Aunque como decia mi abuela, solo a los pendejos les va mal. :D
      1. Sanchito repped this.
    21. PARS
      how's the new job? all good?
      1. Sanchito repped this.
    22. El Mariachi
      El Mariachi
      possible. both are pendejos on my ignore list. LOL
    23. Socrates_81
      Definitely, the Tennessian is coming back to SD during her December break from school, that will be a good time to hang out.
    24. Swag Flu
      Swag Flu
      lol, i'll rep you when I can.
    25. El Mariachi
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    an island in my mind
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    Gamma Tec
    About Me:
    My heros are Zack Morris and Boba Fett...yes, in that order.


    Last Activity:
    Dec 10, 2024 at 5:56 PM
    Jul 15, 2005
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