According to the Rapids post on Facebook, it's next Saturday at 7:30 pm.
Gah! These games are not good for my blood pressure... :eek:
Heck, I'd have been happy with a sign scrawled on a piece of paper with a Sharpie telling me which line to stand in. Happily, I got in the right...
Well, Pablo was swinging at Lenhart from flat on his face, so it wasn't like he could get up a lot of momentum to do any damage. I think the...
Or at least the top quality players would be coming here to play in their prime, and not in their declining years.
I'm not sure that they are individually signed. I looked closer at mine, and it looks printed. Not that it makes any difference. It's still a...
I have no clue who signed mine. I can't read the writing and I don't see anything that looks like a number. :confused: Oh, wait, it says Ty...
I don't understand the rules, but the replay we saw showed he got all ball initially, then brought the man down with a hook around the ankle. It...