I disagree that the CRTC is screwing up anything. You want a channel in this country, you have to play by CRTC rules. I want to watch my footie,...
I can't believe you created a sock to pretend to be Canadian...
Thanks, but is there any word on pushing it to new/any providers? Only on Rogers cable at the moment, which is absolutely useless unless you live...
It has been said ad nauseam in this thread that an application to the CRTC for a new channel would almost certainly be denied.
La Liga TV war is now over, before it even started. No need to fantasize about it anymore.
Well, BeIN can partner with someone now or they can partner with someone later. The sheikh ain't getting a brand new channel from the CRTC. GolTV...
If what we are discussing is that beIN Sport wants to be absolutely sure they will bid the highest monetary amount, they do not need to reach even...
There is no chance anyone will bid $50 million for EPL rights in Canada because they are not worth that money. No need for convoluted explanations.
Just to reiterate, this is Saturday morning, when competition is Dora the Explorer and religious services of various denominations/languages....
As of the beginning of 2012, Sportsnet World had 82,523 subscribers. Given the declining rate of growth of the station, they will almost certainly...
Here's the deal. I *KNOW* the exact number of subscribers Sportsnet World has, and it is not 100,000. I also *KNOW* Sportsnet World's total...
This package doesn't currently exist. I will bet you my avatar, to which I am very attached, against yours that it never will.
Can you give your estimate of the subscription (not viewership) numbers for Sportsnet World as well as their income, so that we all know the scale...
Sorry, tender was maybe not be quite the right word. Clubs in Spain, with the obvious exceptions, are not international-business savvy. They...
Sportsnet World is a tiny operation that makes Rogers about $1,5 million a year before tax. The threshold of pain for Rogers is certainly neither...