"I just don't see how a woman can be a Republican" -Julie Foudy I'm not sure if anyone remembers this, but when the women's league was in the...
P.S. Join the Kristin DePlatchett Fan club!http://www.geocities.com/krisdeplat/
It's not obsession; it's avid fandom. :) nsa sucks. hahaha. just kidding. I just wanted to bring back bad memories. :) Macht's gut, Leute.
I'm still alive.
danke schön.
the unanswered question: how the hell do you pronouce 'sa'?
welcome, new moderator. have a foudious day.
join the kristin deplatchett fan club! woo! I found my 2000 and 3000 posts the other day, for those of you that remember back when i posted...
mel10 and piper, the next evil cheese twins... man oh man.
That brings back memories... There should be a large fight about the word bitch again. ;)
Any pictures from the game of SD?
Sorry, elaine, they don't post pictures of canadians on the spirit site... ;)
Very nice article. Thanks, tsunami
Pierluigi Collina. No hair. ;)
I think Mercy Akide would be up for that one...