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Fullerton, CA

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Member+, from Fullerton, CA

GVPATS77 was last seen:
Jun 15, 2017
    1. jrb
      alright bro this is a ********ing online soccer message board. you really need to chill out. i dont remember everything i do on this site (as, unlike seemingly you, i have other things to spend my time on), but if i did neg rep you, it probably wasnt because i was disagreeing with you, but rather that i found your persistent negative badgering and refusal to hear anyone else out to be quite off-putting and irritating to read. i suggest you find a hobby.
    2. jrb
      i dont recall exactly what i wrote since it was deleted, but it was about a specific poster (not you) and certainly nothing to do with what youre talking about.

      relax yourself and watch what you write before you hit send.
    3. vaquero28
      if one attended one practice session per week for the entire 52 weeks in a year it would take 19.23 years to attend 1000 sessions, if we go thousands or more than one per week, the math gets interesting. Veracity, Oh veracity, wherefore art thou? "Figure of speech"???
    4. Mucky
      I respect someone with can deal with arguments on their merit rather than hold a grudge from one subject to another. It shows they have integrity.
      I try to do the same and it is natural to disagree on some issues and agree on others.
      1. Unak78 repped this.
    5. eclipse02
      nah just tired of the whole USL/NASL war. I just want see both sides lower their pistols and just let the rivalry build on the field. lol
      Not sure it that is going to happen lol.
    6. drunkguy10
    7. Bolivianfuego
      Damnit! LOL Sorry about that, I mistook your point of 'not being a fan', as that of Klinsi's beliefs about pay to play, and thought you didnt think a change was possible.

      I think it can happen over time, but yea, no way is he going to make a change in ayear or 2, but there is ways to transition things better so a more universal, and free way for all kids to play soccer, even those that can't necessarily afford it nor have the information on how to somehow play for free.

      I like your posts BTW, who do you write for?/ who are you? LOL
    8. SteamPunkr
      First, the Sounders have been playing games at starfire since 05. yes, 08 was the first year it was full time, but they were playing at starfire long before that. and usl average attendance is only 4k. so it would seem seattle is no different than any other usl town. although the all time usl single game record for attendance is, you guessed it, seattle at 25k. you're just jealous of seattle's success, in a-league/usl and mls. and don't get me started on nasl where we led the league just about every year.

      second, learn to spell. reading your comments is like reading a 4th graders message.
    9. ssanchez
      Thanks for the props.
    10. joehooligan0303
      seriously man, it just does no good to argue things that I never said. Just grow up.
      1. BimmerBenz95 repped this.
    11. Kermmy803
      And BTW, if you would pay attention to who you are name calling, you would realize that I have watched every single game that Kenny has played for FCD. I know how he plays and I don't feel he needs to change a damn thing. The reason he drifts out wide with FCD is because of the fact he had to get looks at the ball. The FCD midfield he had to play with over the last 4 yrs was probably the worst in the league. Again, wherever he has played he scores goals, even at the International level with the USMNT. What part of him scoring goals do you not like. Do you think his goals are not pretty enough. :rolleyes:
    12. Kermmy803
      Geeeeez guy. Again with the name calling. You lose all respect in my book because you can't make an argument without calling someone names. Sounds like a typical closed minded bleeding heart liberal from California or a five year old in kindergarten. Since I don't agree with your opinions you resort to name calling.

      Thanks for playing and if you post on my page again calling me names, I am reporting you. How about growing up and showing some maturity. Maybe you will not get neg-rep in the future because of it.
    13. Kermmy803
      Thanks for polluting my page with your name calling. I appreciate that.

      KCJ was 2nd in goals scored last year on one of the worst teams in the league playing the way he plays. Every time he suits up for the USMNT he scores goals, but sure go ahead and change the way he plays because you think he isn't scoring ENOUGH!!!!

      Absolutely doesn't make sense. You and BB need to have a brain storm session so you can make sure the US doesn't make it out of the first round next summer, unless of course your brainstorming session doesn't even qualify for WC '10, which would be so much better for the US Soccer. :rolleyes:
    14. RalleeMonkey
      Hey, I just based it on what you said. There was no context, because I've never read your posts before.

      I shouldn't have taken a potshot at your journalistic skill. That was uncool of me.

    15. GVPATS77
      Yeah, but I got 77 points from three reps. There's something Fubar about that math. I'm not complaining, but I want to know how that happened.
    16. Sakuragi
      The more rep you have, the more you will be able to give out, apparently. Don't quote me on that, though.
    17. GVPATS77
      I had a friend in college named Arron Perna. His nickname was PernDog
    18. Perndog2006
      cuz im a badass

      I spread the love and therefore people love me back

      always love first if you want to be loved
    19. Perndog2006
      arron perna?

      what is that?
    20. GVPATS77
      You're not a source unless you've played in MLS. I have never once spoken to a single player who has ever had anything good to say about field turf. I've watched more than my fair share of games over the years that were played on field turf and with my own eyes I have seen the ball to unnatural things on that type of surface thousands of times. So until I speak to players who love the surface and see games on the surface that look exactly the same as they do on grass, I am going to stick to my belief that FieldTurf is bad for the leauge. That's not an agenda, it's an opinion that has been formulated through years of observation and speaking with individuals who have personal experience. How much more backup do I need than that?
    21. GOALSeattle
      I edited my earlier post here. Sorry about that, as it makes you look even more like a screamer. "Turf in MLS is bad." What a blanket statement with absolutely no back up. It's the blanket statements that betray your agenda, which isn't to qualify pitches, but pigeonhole them. A good journalist would listen to all 'sources,' not instantly discredit the ones that don't fit the given thesis.
    22. GVPATS77
      What personal agenda. I don't like field turf stadiums. Deal with the fact that Seattle isn't God's gift to MLS and don't take it so damn personally when someone has something bad to say about turf fields. My original post that you commented on didn't even mention the turf field at Qwest specifically. It simply stated that turf field in MLS is bad, and I brought up examples at all the MLS venues which use artifcial surfaces. You decided to make it your personal mission to disprove my statement based on the turf at Qwest. If anyone needs to get a grip it's you. SEATTLE ISN'T ********ING PERFECT. DEAL WITH IT.
    23. GOALSeattle
      We disagree. However, only you resorted to name-calling.
    24. GVPATS77
      Yes, you're right. Mexico has added so many trophies in that time span too. they haven't. I'm done talkig with you because like every other Mexican NT fan, you're livingin a state of denial. No point in even trying to talk to you.
    25. ...In my defense
      ...In my defense
      yea, I'm unable to sleep at night because of the US record against Mexico on home soil.

      woopdee ********i doo

      It must suck to know that Torres only accepted the invitation to play for the US after Mexico snubbed him.

      98 World Cup -- 0 wins 3 losses **
      02 World Cup -- 2 win 1 tie 2 losses ***
      03 Confeds Cup -- 0 wins 3 losses **
      06 World Cup --- 0 wind 1 tie 2 losses
      07 Copa America -- 0 wins 3 losses **

      ** Worst team at said tournament.
      *** Exception to the rule.

      That's your team's recent history. You're satisfied with beating Mexico and being no less than mediocre on the international stage.

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