Live stream link anyone?
I signed up for FUboTV Canada maybe that's why..
I signed up for fubtotv but no luck guys. Anyone have Korean stream link, if possible?
Can someone post game link, if possible?
I can't read Korean or type it....this might be a favor to ask but can you make me one?
Thanks, if anyone has a Korean link that'd be appreciated
Thanks a bunch! But I need to log in.....and don't have an account. Would you be kind to link another site if you know?
Can someone post game link for game against Mexico please? None of the network here plays here, maybe there's a Korean link?! Thanks in advance!
Can somone post live stream in advance so I don't miss it this time, thank you!
From Canada so wont be able catch that
Haha, fair enough. Do you know any sites for replay?
So I miss this great match...does anyone have full replay link? Thanks so much in advance
Thanks, but it lags a lot....
Live stream link please...
Does anyone have a live stream link? Thanks in advance!