-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- during the summer Luisao got offers, but he option to stay...
Beira-Mar vs Leixoes they looking for a crowd around the 10,000 mark, http://www.beiramar.pt/index2.php?idc=26&ido=468
a found a article about the tragedy, after the team left Lisbon...
its all Barcelona
Mourinho's team doing the job and they are playing with 10 men. Chelsea vs Barcelona
with my age I basically not looking for anything, thank God all my teams the I was part where winners, we didn't had the best talent just ask...
but what counts is the success, he did more for Benfica in one season in the European competions then 15 other coach's together. I still...
skills are not only the part of soccer, e preciso garra, e abrir trabalho para outros, forca I'm surprise I'm not the only one, for a minute I...
me and a bunch of Benfica fans just send a email, to thank Beto pela forca e garra de Benfiquista, and wish him sorte for the upcoming games...
if Beto plays we going to win, check some of the comments about Beto, es a alma benfiquista, es outro Fernando Cruz dos anos 60...
what's fun, the comments were all bad until I got mine in, Os verdadeiros Benfiquistas sao tipos como eu, que sempre apoiam os jogadores nas horas...
some of the comments about Beto including my 02:10 - Mat Acho que nós Benfiquistas não devemos crucificar o Beto, lembrem-se que foi ele...
Rivas 38, exBotafogo, Flamengo, portuguese Santa Clara, Leca official to retired from the USL Rochester Rhinos...
Rivas ex Leca, Santa Clara 38, retired from the Rochester Rhinos http://www.rhinossoccer.com/news.php?id=188
I'm not much a fan of Koeman, but got say he has done more for Benfica in the last 15 years didn't any other coach, I still remember not long ago...