The timing on the coaching change is not good. We let people go without knowing who the coach would be and what players will fit best in their...
What if the problem is not the coach but the General Manager?
Apples and oranges. Dangerous play vs a bad word.Grow up.
Why penalize the whole team for the words of one player? Wouldn't a hefty fine on the individual make more sense. Actually I should say make sense...
My conspiracy theory. The league does not want the Crew in the playoffs.
Doesn't the Crew only play Atlanta at home in a torrential downpour?
Thunderstorms and Thundersticks! Maybe I should bring an umbrella with ear[plugs.
I don't have any idea what the rest of the schedule will be but I feel like it would b4 a lot warmer in Vancouver. Maybe that's an advantage for...
Putting the ball on target seems to be a problem that all the wings on this team posses.
My thought is that Santos would be more productive if there was a threat on the other side of the field. It is a team game. I would keep him...
So, we can expect lots of shots this week?
Thanks for the gift information. I didn't see it on my account and rarely go to the plaza. My seats are on the other side and I usually go in the...
Interesting, is that a ring? Did they mail it to you? I didn't get one.
Did the Crew give Season Ticket holders any type of gift this year?
I see a tie coming! The greatest victory ever at Lower Field! Fans will probably ruch the field at the end of the game!