This is what I know/have been told: * Fulham is in the market for a central defender. * They are currently looking at 3 (!) MLS defenders to...
How do you know that there is a current over-prioritization on winning and too little prioritization on developing young players? How does keeping...
Actually I believe that there is considerable evidence that seniors are the wealthiest demographic in the U.S. That's the situation that...
What does it matter? Regardless of how the clubs are geared the fact is that they have a good record of churning out good national team material.
There is no conflict. Look at everyday life. Current consumption is valued over future consumption. This is, as you noted, econ 101. And yet...
You've got to be kidding me. Japan has been for quite some time the world's leading market for luxury goods -- hardly the sign of a country in a...
I believe that Sachin has it right when he says that national team players developed by clubs are a positive externality.
I don't see what that proves. Adu left a better player than he entered (which, granted, was likely to happen anyway). And if you want to throw...
Even so I would be highly surprised if the coach didn't have a great deal of input into the decision.
I neglected to address this earlier. How is player development a public good? It strikes me as absolutely a private one. You develop players to...
Ok, fine, but where is the evidence that coaches aren't looking to the future? Where is the evidence that developing young prospects isn't a...
Not true: Arena, who obviously has more say in the matter, said the team isn't willing to break the bank to pay transfer fees to bring in a top...
If you truly believe this -- that coaches place a premium on helping themselves here and now rather than looking to the future -- why did Real...
The trusts were indirectly aided by high tariffs that kept out foreign competition and helped them maintain monopoly status. So this is not an...