What is going on with Wang Dong? I believe his nickname should be Penis Penis.
Lee Young Pyo is diving bible thumping scum. Send him off to habibiland. He'll fit right in with all the other sand rolling sallies.
All i have to say is What a shot by Lee the other day. He should do that more often.
Re: Korea vs Paraguay what a retard you can't even spell John Paul right, "Gian Paolo"
Angry Eye-talians dragging themselves into a thread that doesn't concern them. Such lingering bitterness. Hopefully a three-and-out at the next...
eh not really, don't give us that bulls[]it. there were 5 other goals scored in that game you know. That doesn't happen a lot. The game was...
Boo hoo! Own goal or not, Korea was going through on goals scored. So long suckers.
Outside of the United States, I think Korea plays Mexico in international competitions more than any other non-Asian team. This is the fourth...
Ah yes, the Pele Kiss of Death. "Korea will beat Germany and move on to Yokohama"
Haha they used the picture of him after he smacked that Chinese player over the head. They should have used the whole picture with his befallen...