How much for the venom?
Would you take 230 for the iv sl?
I have a pair of sfI black/volt size 9.5
These boots still up for sell?? I have a pair of black and volt sfI sg in 9.5
Do you still have those citron sl??
Do you still have the sl??!?
Ill trade my black volt sfI sg in size 9.5 for the e8 sl!?
I have black volt sfI sg in size 9.5
I have black volt sfI in sg size 9.5
I have sfI black/volt color way in sg size 9.5
Would you be interested in a trade?
I have black/volt sfI sg in a size 9.5
I'm interested! Would you be up for a trade?
Yes the f50 are still for sale and they have everything but the studs but I can get some!
SfI for sale! Size 9.5 for 250 usd[ATTACH] [ATTACH]