Hi! This is slightly off topic. I'm pretty new to the area (I'm in Ocoee) and wondering where folks head to watch out-of-town games (Orlando City...
Aha! ;)
Hi, sorry if this is already posted or if it belongs in the supporters' group forum.. Is there a bus trip planned to Yankee Stadium for the 3.15...
Dempsey's breakout game, IIRC. (Not making a case for friendlies at all, just reminiscing..)
Happy birthday to Monty! Have a few more shots today, why don't you?! (debated whether this required its own thread) ;)
Sorry if this is posted somewhere. Didn't see it in a quick search......
Your place.
Great! Thanks for the quick reply! So it's not going to be at that go-cart place?
Hey! Sorry if I'm missing this, or if it's old news to everyone else. I slide out of the loop. Anyway, is there a date for the Riders General...
resign... re-sign... that's an ambiguous post there! ;)
Sept 5-6-7 looking good for anyone? Amazingly, it still hasn't filled up on me yet!