Your Political ideology[NSR]

Discussion in 'Colombia' started by minus, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
  2. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    MK Ultra, yes.. i believe! but that is about making a brain submisive, vulnerable!

    websites against NWO show anttenas that are used to control our brains every day!!!! come on!!!! ohhhh... wait... maybe they are controlling my brain... that is why I question you Mr, all mighty. Sorry for being skeptical about your theory... its the freaking antennas.... they don't let me be my self.... GET THEM OUT OF MY HEADDDD.... AHHHHH ... I CAN'T STOP IT.... I NEED MY TIN SHEET HELMET!!!!!!!
  3. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
  4. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    Finally someone who wants to talk about the issues. Ok, el gobierno le dio las armas a los campesinos no para protegerlos de la guerrilla, fue para proteger la cocaina que la guerrilla estaba tratando de quitarle a los campesinos. La cocaina que cultivaban el gobierno era para los narcotraficantes que usaban para hacer la droga y que el gobierne usa para con la CIA traerla a los USA. El gobierno le importa un culo los campesinos, lo unico que les importa es su gallina de los huevos de oro que es la cocaina. Los paramilitares nunca se han salido de control, porque la CIA los ayuda a traer droga y a hacer matansas de campesinos. La gente que necesita las armas son las personas que no son guerrilla ni paramilitares y que necesitan sus armas para defenderse de criminales como el gobierno. En los Estados Unidos todo mundo no tiene acceso a armas. En areas como la ciudad de nueva york la posesion de armas es prohibida y tambien que mucha gente no conoce su derecho de tener armas. Las unicas personas que han querido quitarle las armas a la gente son dictadores como hitler, MAo, Stalin, porque cuando la gente no tiene con que defenderse ellos tiene el control y no las masas. Cuando el gobierno le tiene miedo a la gente eso es una republica, cuando la gente le tiene miedo al gobierno eso es una tirania. El gobierno mato billiones de personas el siglo pasado usando armas, no el publico, eso de que va a haber caos si la gente tiene es propaganda para control de armas de gobierno criminales y dictaduras. Ve este video que lo explica todo mas a fondo
  5. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    Oh yeah and Uribe is a great president and we should all listen to him. You time and again prove you are a tool. You are right, the New World Order doesnt exist and pigs fly as well lol.
  6. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    lmao damn dude i was just about to say the same thing to you :D
  7. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
  8. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    You keep proving you are a liar, my mother was in Colombia a few months ago and she told me that crime is out of control, people have to put bars in their windows because they are afraid of getting robbed. When you go to the bank you have to enter other stores to fool people who are following you because you could get robbed when you leave the bank. My mother saw someone getting robbed on plain daylight, the husband of my aunt got his car robbed with a gun, you want me to give you more examples of your lies? I didnt run away from my country I was born In New York, I had to comeback before the age of 18 to the USA or I would lose my American Citizenship. You are a propaganda minister for Uribe, where is this place you live in where you can walk the street without getting robed, a gated community. You are a tool and nobody believes your garbish Uribe lover.
  9. D.I.M

    D.I.M Member

    May 17, 2004
    Woodridge, NJ
    Independiente Medellin
    Nat'l Team:

    didn't even take the time to read.

    The voices in my head have told me that this has gone too far. Or wait was that the signals from the CIA .. I can't tell..

    Actually I think this is all sasquash's fault.
  10. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    Its called bogota. you should visit it sometime. I can give you plenty of areas if you want. I mean no shit if you go to bad areas in cities there always going to be crime. im sure you know that. go to unicentro or any other place that has a Banco Davivienda, Bancolombia or BBVA and you'll see long lines all the time with people freely waiting in line to get money out of their ATM's. When was the last time you were in Colombia? I dont care about your 2nd and 3rd hand events i wanna know what you know personally. But then again we live in the matrix so everything that ive ever experienced in bogota and all of colombia has been a figment of my imagination planted by the CIA,NWO and Aliens in to my mind!
  11. minus

    minus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 18, 2004
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:
    El Govierno es capaz de hacer cualquier cosa.Yo siempro lo e dicho que la politica es una mafia legal.No estoy diciendo que estoy acuerdo con tu "teorias" pero tampoco voy a decir que eres un loco. La verdad es que fue muy interesante leer eso punto de vista pero no puede presentarlos como si fueran la verdad absoluta.
  12. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    wow are you talking still? i think you should revise what you've said. YA NOOOOO ONE BELIEVES WHAT I SAY AND EVERYONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU SAY. whata waste of time.
  13. hadexxx

    hadexxx Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 3, 2005
    his theory was interesting, and he might have good points when he reffers to strictly political things and what is actually going on.

    But then he has an attitude of "my truth is the only truth and who ever follows it will be saved" :rolleyes: okayyyy! and who ever is not with his theory is an Uribe lover and a hundred more assumptions he makes. That is what is annoying.

    Solution? Destroy all the corrupt politicians! (common goal!!!! Achievable????)
  14. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    God, you are such a tool. So according to you there is no crime in Bogota? you must live in a fantasy world, maybe you have been sniffing too much of the Government's main export. I have seen the news and there are reports of atracos, asesinatos, violaciones everyday eso es basura y una mentira. Yo me pregunto porque la gente es tan terca, la verdad se les muestra y la niegan. Se les mostro pruebas de que Uribe es un narcotraficante, que el gobierno trafica drogas, que el gobierno es corrupto, los mismos politicos lo dicen y no es la verdad total. Por favor no traten de tapar el sol con un dedo. De pronto JPA es parte de la oligarchia Colombiana que habla Chavez y que le conviene a los politicos corruptos. Si eso es verdad preparese porque el sistema corrupto se va a acabar y va a haber una revolta. Como Chavez dijo, se tienen que remover toda la camada de criminales en el gobierno y la gente no se va a mantener enganada para siempre.
  15. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    ya se me calla perro malparido triple hp. yo nunca dije que no hay crimen en colombia. no sea tan hp lea bien. Hay crimen en todas las cuidades del mundo! Que porqueria de chavista que eres. Lastima. Lo unico que viene hacer aqui es joder joder y joder mas.
  16. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    When you research this subject like I have, then lets have a discussion on the issues, until then we have nothing to discuss about this matter. I had a nice discussion with viejoman because he has facts, until you can have a discussion like that with me, then this thread will be thrown off topic by tools like JPA.
  17. D.I.M

    D.I.M Member

    May 17, 2004
    Woodridge, NJ
    Independiente Medellin
    Nat'l Team:
    Que le van a hacer caso a chandas.. si lo unico que hacen es aullar.....

    A los locos hay que dejarlos hablar.. y como va el dicho las opiniones son como los culos todo el mundo tiene uno.....

    Asi que no para bolas a la defecacion mental................
  18. minus

    minus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 18, 2004
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:

    Por favor... Venezuela esta una situacion peor que Colombia en el aspecto del crimen. Nadien en el mundo se salva de crimen! Que argumento tan estupido y sin sentido. Usted piensa que Colombia es un nido de violencia? Usted seguro es un Colombiano arrepentido y eso si en verdad es Colombiano!
  19. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    ya and apparently we're the ones living in the fantasy world.

    Dienewworldorder no shit sherlocks that we need to get rid of corruption from politics. but that is the most ignorant and naive thing i have heard. trying to take corruption out of politics is like trying to bring global peace. its not gonna happen buddy, we can get real close but its not gonna happen. Be realistic and not theoretic as your so used to. And maybe you should read the documents found that have been willingly released by el tiempo and the colombian govt
  20. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
  21. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    Veni callame, que me vas a hacer perro, me vas a matar, igual como mataron a Galan? Yo no soy Chavista, yo estoy encontra de la nueva orden mundial y contra el narco gobierno en Colombia. Nadie se debe de enamorar de ningun politico como usted esta enamorado de Uribe. Yo no estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que dice el, yo solo estoy de acuerdo con lo que dice de la corrupcion en Colombia y su hipocresia. Tu tienes que ser parte de la oligarchia de Colombia. Escribes el Ingles bien, yo creo que tu familia esta relacionada con el gobierno y con el narcotrafico, por eso defendes a ese criminal. Como te dije el tiempo de la corrupcion se va a acaBAR Y VA A VER una revolta y a ti te van a colgar por el traidor que eres. Yo ahora en Colombia no duraria ni una semana porque me matarian en una semana si dijiera lo que digo alla. Es una tristesa pero hay que en los USA tenemos nuestros problemas con este gobierno corrupto.
  22. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    y estos mismos hptas son los que dan cara mala para nuestro pais. No sea tan huevon "dienewworldorder" y ponga su pecho por su patria. tan hp.
  23. Dienewworldorder

    Dienewworldorder Red Card

    Jan 7, 2008
    New York City
    y cuando yo dije que Venezuela no tiene crimen? Colombia es un nido de violencia y es la verdad y hasta que no desaparezca el narco gobierno no va a parar. Todos los dias hay masacres en Colombia que no aparecen en las notcias, esa es la realidad gustele o no. Ahora Venezuela no es perfecto pero si Chavez fuera presidente de Colombia no hubiera tanta pobreza como hay con Uribe. Uribe le importa un culo la gente y se va a reir de todos estos payasos que lo defienden cuando vaya a sacar su plata del banco para vivir en Miami por el resto de su vida. Por eso ustedes son esclavos porque trabajan para que otro huevon viva la vida rica.
  24. JPAcolombia9

    JPAcolombia9 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
    i already stated my stance long ago. but its ok ill reiterate it again. Im not sucking uribes cock like yo so confidently claim. i just agree with his policies against the Farc and Security. Look at how much our economy has improved since hes taken office. and the growth continues. Up to now hes pretty much got the most shit done out of all the presidents (whom according to dienewworldorder have all been planted by the US). so ya i applaud him. now was he involved in some ********ed up shit a longass time ago, probably who knows, but right now he has done everything to reduce and fight against colombias biggest problem and that has been that FARC and if your gonna sit here and tell me otherwise than you sir (if you even deserve that title) are a complete idiot.
  25. minus

    minus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 18, 2004
    Junior Barranquilla
    Nat'l Team:

    Ya puedo ver Venezuela en 25 años si tu querido Chavez sigue como presidente, solamente hay que ver a Cuba para saber el futuro de Venezuela. La verdad que Fidel Castro comparte el billete con la gente y elimino la pobreza ........ JAJAJAJAJA....

    Hey pelao arranca pa Venezuela para que vivas en paz con un govierno ejemplar como el de payaso de Chavez..

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