What are the foreigner rules for the MFL?

Discussion in 'Mexico' started by superdave, Feb 20, 2003.

  1. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    There's discussion that MLS might add a team in Toronto, which is bringing up the issue of an MFL team in the US. I've been making the point that such a team would, obviously, have to treat Americans the same as Mexicans as far as eligibility. (Sort of like a green card takes a player out of Senior International status in MLS.) And I've been taking the next step in saying that that presents the MFL with a serious dilemma...either The LA Aztecs are gonna be the only team that gets to count Yanks as local players, in which case they get a free shot at signing good MLSers to replace average Mexicans, and the Aztecs will have a huge advantage or....

    The MFL as a whole will have to count Americans as locals, in which case, given the higher pay in Mexico, the nature of the league will change. So I question whether it's a good idea for the MFL to add a team in the US, if it means every team is going to have 2-3 Americans starting.

    But I realized, I don't really know the MFL rules on foreigners. Can you guys help?

    PS...before anyone goes there, I'm NOT saying Americans are better than Mexicans. I'm saying the good MLS players are better than the worst MFL starters, and since the MFL pays more, those players would end up in Mexico. Guys like Steve Ralston and Tim Howard could make more money in Mexico, and they're good enough to play.
  2. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Inscripcion de jugadores

    Articulo 16

    Los jugadores que participen en los campeonatos invierno 2001 y verano 2002, deberan estar debidamente inscritos por sus clubes en la secretaria general de la federacion mexicana de futbol asociacion, a. C., debiendo presentar para este fin la siguiente documentacion:


    A. Contrato de trabajo debidamente requisitado.
    B. Carta de retiro si procede de otro club nacional.
    C. Tratandose de jugadores extranjeros el certificado de transferencia internacional.
    D. Carta de prestamo, si es temporal su actividad.
    E. Carta de la asociacion de aficionados correspondiente, con el visto bueno del sector de aficionados (sello y firma) de la federacion mexicana de futbol asociacion, a. C., si es debutante o mantiene su calidad de aficionado, a excepcion de aquellos jugadores registrados en el padron que los clubes presenten ante este sector.
    F. Cedula medica autorizada por el cuerpo medico de su club.
    G. 5 fotografias tamaño credencial.
    H. Acta de nacimiento y copia de la misma.
    I. Cartilla y copia fotostatica del mismo.
    J. Pasaporte y copia fotostatica del mismo.
    K. Carta de responsabilidad extendida por el jugador en la que aclare que los documentos entregados para su registro son autenticos.
    L. El club tendra la obligacion de registrar ante la secretaria general de la federacion mexicana de futbol asociacion, a. C., al inicio de cada campeonato invierno 2001 y verano 2002, aquellos jugadores que vayan a obtener su carta de libertad al final de cada campeonato.
    M. Recibo finiquito de aquellos jugadores que fueron adquiridos durante el régimen de transferencias.

    en el caso de jugadores extranjeros que esten inscritos en otras federaciones, y que vayan a ser registrados en esta; como requisito indispensable deberan presentar los documentos originales a excepcion del pase internacional y quedara en calidad de deposito ante la secretaria general.

    El jugador que tenga mas de un año en su poder su carta de libertad, tendra la obligacion de registrarla en la secretaria general de la federacion mexicana de futbol asociacion, a. C., al inicio de cada campeonato invierno 2001 y verano 2002.

    Los documentos solicitados en los incisos "h", "i", "j", asi como la autenticidad de los mismos, es responsabilidad del jugador.

    Se hace la aclaracion de que los requisitos comprendidos en los incisos "h", "i", "j", deberan ser cubiertos exclusivamente por los jugadores de nuevo ingreso en esta division.

    Articulo 17

    El registro de jugadores para el campeonato invierno 2001 y verano 2002, quedara cerrado un dia antes del primer encuentro del campeonato respectivo.

    Para el campeonato de invierno 2001, el cierre de registros sera el dia viernes 20 de julio de 2001.

    Al termino del primer campeonato invierno 2001, se reabrira el registro de jugadores, hasta un día antes del primer encuentro del campeonato respectivo, bajo las siguientes condiciones:

    A. Se podra registrar como maximo 4 jugadores, sean extranjeros o mexicanos y estos procedentes de la primera division "a", de la segunda division, o del extranjero; estos 4 jugadores podran provenir de los equipos de la primera division profesional que hayan participado en el campeonato anterior.

    B. Si algun equipo no completa el maximo de extranjeros (5), podran registrar a otro extranjero, sin necesidad de dar de baja a otro jugador.

    C. Los jugadores mexicanos que esten participando en la liga mayor de soccer (m.l.s.) de los estados unidos, podran ser registrados provisionalmente por los clubes durante el campeonato invierno 2001, siendo requisito indispensable dejar en calidad de deposito en la secretaria general de la federacion mexicana de futbol asociacion, a. C. Al cierre de registros para el campeonato invierno 2001, el contrato de los jugadores, quedando pendiente unicamente el pase internacional.

    Articulo 19

    Los equipos de la primera division profesional, podran registrar a jugadores inscritos en la segunda y tercera division, que hayan jugado en primera division profesional y primera division "a", si son menores de 22 años 11 meses.

    Los clubes deberan registrar ante el comité directivo, los convenios que suscriban, en la relacion a los jugadores prestados.

    Los jugadores que integran nuestras selecciones nacionales quedan exceptuados de esta disposicion.

    Sera obligatorio para todos los clubes de la primera división profesional, participar con equipos filiales en los campeonatos de la segunda y tercera division profesional.

    Carnet unico

    Articulo 20

    Los jugadores de primera division profesional que cumplan con los requisitos reglamentarios de segunda y tercera division, inclusive extranjeros podran actuar con el equipo filial de su club en forma indistinta en ambas divisiones en cualquier fecha y fase.

    En los casos que los clubes de primera division profesional hayan registrado el maximo de jugadores extranjeros ( 5 ), sus equipos filiales que participen en los campeonatos de segunda y tercera division, podran inscribir a ( 2 ) jugadores extranjeros que cumplan con los requisitos reglamentarios de las divisiones antes citadas, pero no tendran derecho a utilizar el carnet unico; es decir, no podran jugar con el equipo de primera division profesional.

    Igualmente para el caso de extranjeros, deberan observarse lo dispuesto en el articulo 17 en sus incisos "c" y "d" del presente reglamento.

    Los equipos de primera division profesional podran celebrar convenios con clubes no filiales que participen en los campeonatos de segunda y tercera division para la transferencia de jugadores, contando siempre con el visto bueno de los presidentes de los sectores de la primera, segunda o tercera division respectivamente.

    En el transcurso del campeonato, los equipos de la primera division profesional que tengan una filial o un convenio registrado en la secretaria general con algun club de la primera division "a", podra alinear a jugadores mexicanos con edad inferior a 22 años 11 meses, y a los cuales se les expedira un carnet unico, asimismo, a dos jugadores exclusivamente nacionales, que rebasen dicha edad, dichos jugadores no podran participar en la fase final de la primera division "a" si no tienen como minimo el 40% de juegos jugados en dicha rama.

    Los jugadores que los equipos utilicen de acuerdo a lo dispuesto en el parrafo anterior, indistintamente podran jugar en la primera division profesional y primera division "a".

    Los clubes de la primera division profesional solamente podran utilizar a jugadores mexicanos, menores de 22 años 11 meses, que esten registrados en sus equipos de segunda y tercera division profesional.

    A partir de la jornada 14 de los campeonatos invierno 2001 y verano 2002, los equipos no podran alinear mas de 4 jugadores que no hayan actuado como minimo en 4 partidos oficiales de los mismos campeonatos incluyendo los de carnet unico.

    Todo aquel jugador que no haya sido puesto transferible y se registre en su sucursal oficial, no podra jugar en la misma temporada en otro club de la primera division profesional.


    Articulo 23

    Los equipos que participen en los campeonatos invierno 2001 y verano 2002, podran registrar hasta 5 jugadores extranjeros ante la secretaria general de la federacion mexicana de futbol asociacion, a. C., al inicio de la temporada.

    Si una vez iniciado el campeonato, algun jugador extranjero es dado de baja de la lista de jugadores de su club, ese lugar podra ser ocupado por otro jugador extranjero, solo si se registra en las fechas establecidas en el articulo 17 de este reglamento.

    Los jugadores mexicanos que esten participando en la liga mayor de soccer (m.l.s.) de estados unidos, podran ser registrados por los clubes en el campeonato de invierno 2001, de acuerdo a lo estblecido en el articulo 17 inciso c.

    Los equipos que participen en los siguientes campeonatos de invierno 2001 y verano 2002, podran registrar hasta 5 jugadores extranjeros como maximo y podran alinear a 5 jugadores extranjeros al mismo tiempo excepto en el distrito federal en donde deberan alinear un minimo de 7 jugadores mexicanos.

    En la lista de jugadores que los directores tecnicos o entrenadores presentan al arbitro para que sean anotados en su cedula (titulares y suplentes), no podran aparecer mas de 5 jugadores extranjeros, mismos que deberan ser identificados poniendo su nombre "extranjero" en el registro.
  3. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Article 17 and 23 are the ones that pertain to foreign players.

    basically in order for a foreigner to be elgible, he has to turn in all the proper paperwork on or before the deadline as well as the club to the general secretary of the FMF. The deadline is usually the day before the season starts.

    A total of 5 foreigners are permitted on each team.

    If a foreigner is injured or released after the season starts, another one can be added onto if Article 17 is not violated. (Article 17 basically deals player elgibility and when they have to be registered to the general secretary)

    Article 17 and 23 do have section on MLS ...

    Los jugadores mexicanos que esten participando en la liga mayor de soccer (m.l.s.) de estados unidos, podran ser registrados por los clubes en el campeonato de invierno 2001, de acuerdo a lo estblecido en el articulo 17 inciso c.

    C. Los jugadores mexicanos que esten participando en la liga mayor de soccer (m.l.s.) de los estados unidos, podran ser registrados provisionalmente por los clubes durante el campeonato invierno 2001, siendo requisito indispensable dejar en calidad de deposito en la secretaria general de la federacion mexicana de futbol asociacion, a. C. Al cierre de registros para el campeonato invierno 2001, el contrato de los jugadores, quedando pendiente unicamente el pase internacional.
  4. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Let's pretend that my minimal fluency en espanol does NOT extend to the legalese dialect.

    OK, so a team can have *5* non-Mexies, right? And that's on the club roster, NOT on the field, right?

    Anyway, so I'm right in saying that if the MFL tries to put a team in, for example, LA, then the US law that would forbid them from discriminating against Americans by counting them as one of the 5 would change the nature of the MFL.

  5. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Yes, you can have 5 non mexicans on the field except in Mexico city (DF). One of Mexico's presidents wanted to have a maximum of 4 in the nations capital. It was an unwritten rule but is now a written rule. Basically, teams like America, Pumas, Cruz Azul, Necaxa can only have 4 foreigners on the field at the same time.

    Well, the MFL laws wont change. We can do away in Mexico with an all Mexican club because we are not as sensitive and politically correct as the US, because we dont have to be. We are all Mexicans. A person of indian, spanish, french, arabic, german descent is not seen as a French Mexican or a German Mexican... we are all Mexicans.

    If a Mexican club did pertain to the MLS, it would be a co-ownership. AEG wants to have MLS Chivas in LA. HE would have to talk to Chivas Owner and they would have to do a partnership. Makes you wonder who he really built that new stadium for in LA. He has taken a heavy interest in the Mexican National team and the Mexican federation as well as some other clubs. He also invest in other hispanic projects along with some Mexican investors here in the US. Steve Sampson worke on some of those projects.

    A Mexican or Mexican American only MFL club in MLS would not be against the law. It will however catch some heat. But considering MLS is a single entity, there are other ethnicities in the MLS and therefore you cant say MLS is discriminating against others. Assume it was not a single entity and AEG along with a Mexican owner controlled the club, AEG is an entitity and he does employ other enthicities. So he would be fine from a legal standpoint...but still would catch some heat from civil rights people.
  6. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I had not heard of St. Phil's interest in the MFL, but I'm not surprised. He owns a hockey team in England, and has another sporting interest in Europe (specifics escape me right now.)
    Wait a minute, I'm not sure I follow you. If you're saying that US law allows an MFL team in LA, I agree. (FIFA would be a different issue.)

    But if you're saying that Americans would still count as foreigners for Chivas LA, that's 100% wrong. I mean, when a foreign MLSer gets his green card, he no longer counts as an international player because it's illegal under US law to differentiate between citizens and green card holders. So if Chivas LA discriminated in FAVOR of green card holders (and they'd have to have green cards to play in LA) against citizens, that unquestionably would be illegal. It's unquestionable that Chivas LA would have to operate under different rules from other MFL teams, that they couldn't count US citizens as internationals.

    So either the MFL would have to allow Yanks to count as locals for all teams, or Chivas LA would steamroller the league because they won't have a salary cap, and the MFL pays better, and they'd be able to choose the best Americans from MLS *and* Europe.

    It's probably all a moot point, because I don't see the USSF allowing it, which makes it different from the proposal for an MLS team in Toronto (which the CSA is pushing.) So FIFA might allow Team Toronto into MLS, using Monaco, or the Aussie league's New Zealand teams, or the Luxembourgian team playing in...Holland or Belgium, I think...as precedents.

    But FIFA won't shove an MFL team down the USSF's throat, when there's already a comparable league operating in the US.
  7. Various Styles

    Various Styles Member+

    Mar 1, 2000
    Los Angeles
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara

    One of the rules that AEG/FMF have discussed some sort of InterLeague Collaboration. I believe there will be a Cup played down the line between MFL/MLS clubs. They also discussed the idea that Mexican and American players would NOT count as foreigners in either league.
  8. TequilaJoal

    TequilaJoal Red Card

    Mar 3, 2002
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    I love it !!

    A mexican/mexican choosing to point out how intolerant americans are at foreigners.

    For one, I've been to most of mexicos big cities, please point out to me a community of any "real" foreigners.

    The one "Black" person i saw in Mexico city, was a business man from Houston who said he felt incredibly uncomfortable being there, would'nt be, because there are no "Black People" in Mexico City or Mexico in general.

    I was there for 4 days, I didnt see one, except him.

    The one chinese person or lets say asian i saw in Hermosillo, was at his own resturant, Wu's fonda.. and he came from San Francisco.

    Keep telling yourself Mexico is Completely Tolerant to foreigners and is an iconoclastic paradise where people of all races,creeds, and religions live. And i will say, when Mexico has 1 percentage point of foreign immigrants the United States has already, you the so called true " Mexicans " will be crying in your cervezas about how your loosing your country.

    heres a stat from Rand/Mcallister world Atlas:

    Mexico - 92.8 % Mexican born citizens

    U.S.A - 71.3 % United States born Citizens

    Emmigration facts - Rand/Mcallister

    103,000 emmigrated persons to Mexico 1999

    1,645,000 emmigrated persons to U.S.A 1999

    about half were mexican.

    Your looking thru your countries diversity with Rose Colored Glasses my friend.
  9. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    I love it !!

    A mexican/mexican choosing to point out how intolerant americans are at foreigners.

    Am I lying?

    Its not like we have BET networks or those types of things in Mexico. The few organizations that do exist are very very small.

    IT doesnt matter if you are of Palestinian or French descent in MExico, you are Mexican

    We use terms like Guero (white), Moreno (brown), Negro (Black) very common and they are not offensive. They are even nicknames. Just like we have the nickname Chino.

    Guadalajara.. an all mexican club... has had a black, whites, and browns.. couple years ago, they had one (Eduardo Isella). He didnt face racism. He was embraced. Because he is Mexican

    For one, I've been to most of mexicos big cities, please point out to me a community of any "real" foreigners.

    Must I do this. I have been all over Mexico and have seen communties of real foreigners. In Tampico, there is a section (couple blocks) that the the jews occupied during the 30s and 40s. Its not so much a jewish community anymore though the buildings still have jewish symbols. I have been to some communties where they only speak German, but the next generation blends in. One of the German communties that I went into had a Nazi Swastika on the floor tile. But one thing about Mexico, it only takes one generation to adapt and they do it willingly. My family desendency comes from Spain, France, and Italy. We dont consider ourselves French, Spanish, nor Italians. We are Mexicans above all else.

    Slim, one of the richest men in the world and the richest in latin America is of Lebonese descent and he considers himself Mexican. Selma Hayek, also of Lebonese decent, cuaght criticism from the US-Lebonese and lebonese coumminties around the world when she declined to do some sort of promotion. She said, "i am not Lebonese, I am Mexican."

    The one "Black" person i saw in Mexico city, was a business man from Houston who said he felt incredibly uncomfortable being there, would'nt be, because there are no "Black People" in Mexico City or Mexico in general.

    The African in Mexico does not even make 1% of the population. The ones who are there are Cuban refugees for the most part. The fact that we dont have Blacks does not make us racist or intolerant. Its just History. Mexico was not part of the slave trade. They used the Indian workforce and hundred of thousands were killed.

    I was there for 4 days, I didnt see one, except him.

    4 days.. make you an expert huh?
    And does that make us racist because you didnt see one brotha?

    The one chinese person or lets say asian i saw in Hermosillo, was at his own resturant, Wu's fonda.. and he came from San Francisco.

    I guees you havent been to the Pacific side of mexico? a lot of Chinese.

    Or what about the Koreans communtities in Mexico City. In fact they a community that are on thier last ride. They dont like them in mexico because they have huge piracy warehouses and run illegal workshops.

    Keep telling yourself Mexico is Completely Tolerant to foreigners and is an iconoclastic paradise where people of all races,creeds, and religions live. And i will say, when Mexico has 1 percentage point of foreign immigrants the United States has already, you the so called true " Mexicans " will be crying in your cervezas about how your loosing your country.

    4 days HUH? and you think you know Mexico? pleaseee

    Vicente Fox - Irish
    Selma Hayek - Lebonese
    Javier Aguirre - Spanish
    Jared Borgetti - Italian
    Melvin Brown - Jamaican (African)
    Antonio de Nigris Guajardo - Italian/Arabic
    Dulio Davino - Argentinian
    Roberto Alves "Zague" - Brazilian

    I could go on and on. And these people are Mexican as they come. They are 2nd or 3rd generation Mexican and dont care about the past countries

    Your looking thru your countries diversity with Rose Colored Glasses my friend.

    First, we aint friends

    Secondly, show me one hate crime in the last 20 years because of race. You wont hear about a Mexican dragging another Mexican across the pavement tied up to the back of the truck. You wont hear about a cop pulling over someone because they have a "black thugish looking car". you wont hear about an Indian denied rights to go to school. You wont have a court trial turned into a race frenzy and then let off because he is black

    dont let these little indian uprsies in Chiapas fool you because they are not about Indegenous rights. They are about Socialist movements.

    You can not compare...

    and if your best line of defense is, "I didnt see one black man in mexico City" You dont have anything.

    Nice try kid...
  10. Wolves_67

    Wolves_67 Member

    Oct 27, 2002
    Pasadena, CA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I have to agree with almost everything ************ says above. I'm an American who lived and worked in Mexico City and also in every other part of Mexico too.
    While he is correct that there is surely less racial hatred evident in Mexico than in the US, it does exsist on some levels and descrimination also.
    No society is fully free of it. I am a white gringo and I worked for certain famous individuals in Mexico and met everyone from the President to the Police Chief of Mexico City (nice house) and had friends from every level of life in Mexico. There is predjudice evident especially in the upper classes.
    I was even given instructions in hiring that would be illegal in the US. I will not name the parties involved but I was told that while they were not "predjudice" against blacks, the mexican fans were and I should not consider any blacks in hiring.
    It angered me when I was told that and I was soon in new employment.
    I spent years in Mexico and Latin America and I will say that the people, in general, are more accepting of differences than most Americans.
    There is a lot more diversity than many think, though. I even met red headed Irish Mexicans who couldn't speak a word of English (well a few words).
  11. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    I have to agree with almost everything ************ says above. I'm an American who lived and worked in Mexico City and also in every other part of Mexico too. While he is correct that there is surely less racial hatred evident in Mexico than in the US, it does exsist on some levels and descrimination also. No society is fully free of it. I am a white gringo and I worked for certain famous individuals in Mexico and met everyone from the President to the Police Chief of Mexico City (nice house) and had friends from every level of life in Mexico. There is predjudice evident especially in the upper classes.

    Hatred and Discrimination is everywhere. Mexico is not the exception and I wont hide it.

    Does it surprise me that European descendants run the country instead of the original inhabitants? No it does not. But when they came they put in effect thier own rules and currency. The Indian got left behind unfortunately from a social and economical standpoint. Yes, there have been some cases where a Limosine driver or a servant is not allowed to enter a club or restaurant..but not because of thier skin color. There have been some whitys too that could not go in because they were a cab driver. That is social and in a democrasy...social classes will always exist.

    I was even given instructions in hiring that would be illegal in the US. I will not name the parties involved but I was told that while they were not "predjudice" against blacks, the mexican fans were and I should not consider any blacks in hiring.
    It angered me when I was told that and I was soon in new employment.

    The African that comes to Mexico does have a hard time adjusting in this day and age. Would it be different lets say 200-300 years ago? Yes it would be and he would feel more comfortable. Not seeing your own kind is uncomfortable, but we dont see it as a problem. They do. What else can we do? The Slave trade is over. How are we going to more in Mexico? My parents are facing the same problem in China. My parents live in China. Most of the people they meet and go out with happen to be Westerners (Cubans, Colombians, Americans, Mexicans, English). They are not discriminating against.. its just you feel comfortable with your own or people like you

    I spent years in Mexico and Latin America and I will say that the people, in general, are more accepting of differences than most Americans.
    There is a lot more diversity than many think, though. I even met red headed Irish Mexicans who couldn't speak a word of English (well a few words).

    With names like Omalley, Deschamps, Zamora, Mansour, Danini, Haik.... it is diverse. Those are some of last names my friends have
  12. Various Styles

    Various Styles Member+

    Mar 1, 2000
    Los Angeles
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
    One of the reasons why you dont see many blacks in Mexico is because the ones that lived there are all mixed. In places like Acapulco and Veracruz you will find many Mexicans with Afro features.

    In Guadalajara where my family is from there are small communities of foreigners. The biggest beign Yanks, then some South Americans Argies/Uruguayos and from what i have seen lately Koreans. What i would like to see is a community of Surinamese or Nigerians to improve our football squad.
  13. Rafael Hernandez

    Rafael Hernandez Moderator
    Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2002
    There is a large Asian community in the pacific cities. And the fact that there is little african people is just stupid. They weren't that many african slaves. It wasn't as if they were millions and the Mexican government kicked them out. The fact that the area of higher concentration is in Veracruz may show you that its was because of lack of slaves.

    Eventhough I kind of break the mold (Mexican-Puerto Rican) the fact is their is few segregation and a large mixture of foreigners. There aint Irish-Mexicans or Italian-PuertoRicans. They are only of descendency. Example, many people in Puerto Rico were from Corsican descendency but never italian-americans.
    The process kind of got broken here when the large cuban community that came after the Fidel thing. But their sons were never considered Cuban but Puertorican and Puertorican cuban if they were passionate.

    Also weird, one of the groups that have been less able to blend are Americans. Both here and in Mexico. Im not saying its a problem of racism but more of the fact that many tend never to learn the language. Especially here in Puerto Rico. Were the fact that English is the 2nd language (but as spoken or used as some people would like to believe).
  14. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    There is a large Asian community in the pacific cities.

    I wouldnt say its a huge huge community. When you break it down, Asians and Africans dont make an impact on the percent of the population

    And the fact that there is little african people is just stupid. They weren't that many african slaves. It wasn't as if they were millions and the Mexican government kicked them out. The fact that the area of higher concentration is in Veracruz may show you that its was because of lack of slaves.

    Veracruz and Tampico are different. Most of the blacks you see there are merchants meaning here today gone tomorrow. I lived in Tampico in 79-86,98-99 and met 2 cubans who actually resided in the Dominican Republic. They would stay in MExico for months and when they made enough money they would go back to the islands. Veracruz, Tampico, and other ports on the gulf were very big trade spots in the 17oos. Many people in the 18oos and 19oos went to these ports and some decided to live there. Some blacks avoided the slave trade by trying to move to Mexico, but eventually migrated further south to Central America and into the northern parts of SOuth America to avoid being detained.

    Eventhough I kind of break the mold (Mexican-Puerto Rican) the fact is their is few segregation and a large mixture of foreigners. There aint Irish-Mexicans or Italian-PuertoRicans. They are only of descendency. Example, many people in Puerto Rico were from Corsican descendency but never italian-americans. the process kind of got broken here when the large cuban community that came after the Fidel thing. But their sons were never considered Cuban but Puertorican and Puertorican cuban if they were passionate.

    Mexico is full of foreigners but forget their mother lands and become Mexicans. Simple as that.

    Also weird, one of the groups that have been less able to blend are Americans. Both here and in Mexico. Im not saying its a problem of racism but more of the fact that many tend never to learn the language. Especially here in Puerto Rico. Were the fact that English is the 2nd language (but as spoken or used as some people would like to believe).

    The problem with Americans living in the Mexico permanantly is that they expect to live like they did back home and better. Cheaper prices and more service. They have this misconception that everything is cheaper in Mexico and that everyone is trying to screw you. If you think that everyone is out to get oyu, you will be a frustrated little man.

    For example, some of my parents friends bought a house in San Miguel. A house that they could probabaly never afford in the US. But the dude went on saying he was mad that every 2 weeks or so the people from the gas company would have to come over and give another gas tank. He said he wants underground pipes. And he went on saying how for a price he paid, they should come with gas lines instead of exterior gas units. My dad said something to him which actually shut him up... he asked him, "do you know how much gas you consumed back in the states per month?" The guy responded, "no?" Then my dad asked him, "Do you know what you consume here?" The guy said " yes." "Are you paying less here in Mexico", my dad asked him. The guy said yeah. My dad told him that at that time, gas was more expensive in Mexico than it was in the US... and he was still paying less. My dad told him he was paying more in the US for less gas and all those little services and unhidden charges. And dont get me started when these eectric & Gas companies change you over to a different provider without you knowing....

    He never saw it the other side. He just assumed that that the infrastructure was poor (because they dont have gas pipes underground) and that he was getting shytyy service. At least now, he is paying for what he consumes and does not get ripped off. The gas company has tried to lie down the infrastructure, but the people dont want them. Of course, in some areas... they do want them and they are the ones getting ripped off.

    Like I said, they expect to be treated as tourist when in fact they are legal residents. Cant do it
  15. TequilaJoal

    TequilaJoal Red Card

    Mar 3, 2002
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Well you have won the argument, your all right... Mexico is more diverse than the United States of America.

    What was I thinking !!

    22,000,000 million mexicanos that have entered the U.S since 1980 makes not diversity in a country.

    you are right about that.

    27,000,000 million asians from some 24 different countries that currently reside in the U.S. makes not a diverse country.

    your also right about that.

    40,000,000 million black americans and some 2,000,000 african immigrants currently living in the U.S. makes not a diverse country either.

    right on that one too.

    8,500,000 middle eastern and arab descendant citizens currently live in the U.S., but does not make a diverse country.

    I've given you the stats that would create, 3 Mexico City's with no White people, Diverse enough for you?

    Let's say this - if every person in Mexico were to disappear, they could be replaced by every non-white person in this country, basically we have Mexico's population in the United States of just people who aren't White.

    We can talk discrimination later, when you actually experience some.
  16. Levante

    Levante Member+

    Jul 28, 2001
    Re: tequilajoal

    No thanks! I'm not one to sit around and bitch and complain. If you want to have a discussion about "victim mentality" go to another forum don't come here.
  17. Rafael Hernandez

    Rafael Hernandez Moderator
    Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2002
    Your full of it. The argument was never which country was more diverse. So don't try to change it just because its clear you don't know what your talking about.
  18. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Re: tequilajoal

    Your are delusional. This was never about which country is more diverse. You turned into that because thats the only way your numbers could justify you.

    Everybody knows the US is the most diverse..but that was not the issue... in fact, this conversation was not the issue but being the troll that you are you turned it into one. Being diverse and being tolerant or intolerant are 2 totally different things.

    So you can try and tell me that you have been in Mexico's big cities and you can try and pull your little numbers.... you are still full of it
  19. PumaBear

    PumaBear New Member

    May 5, 2001
    back in el defectuoso
    Justy to add on the last few posts. There was indeed a significant African American population in Mexico, specially among the coastal regions, but the real proof of Mexican general race tolerance is that this population (16th, 17th and 18th century slaves) merged quickly and thoroughly with the European, mestizo and Indian population. You can still find African-Mexican dominated communities in Veracruz, Guerrero and Oaxaca, though.

    There is indeed some racism in Mexico however. It mostly runs in the very rich and in reality is more a class discrimination than a real race discrimination.
  20. TequilaJoal

    TequilaJoal Red Card

    Mar 3, 2002
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    what started this rift, that paragraph right there.

    second sentence, as follow :

    We can do away in Mexico with an all Mexican club because we are not as sensitive and politically correct as the US, because we dont have to be.

    first, tell me it's a gramatical error or fess up:

    We can "do" away in Mexico with an all Mexican club.


    We can "get" away in Mexico with an all Mexican club.

    which is it, if you need some help being coy and cute in English let me know, i'll help you guide that statement so it reads the way you want it to.

    Finally, the statement or interjection :

    "We are all Mexicans."

    and We are all Americans, even the ones that dont want to be... and you know who you are.
  21. Well, i am Moreno (Brown skin), black hair and black eyes... I remember when i was at NY with my family some years ago, a Taxi driver confused my father with an arab... he was wearing a long beard those days :) . But my cousins and my aunt are white, blonde and green eyes. I have some genes from Netherlands. My neighbors in Coyoacan (at Mexico City) are black, and in don't know from where they are, they just seem to be there all their life.
  22. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    The "Am I a mental midget?" Self Test

    Y N

    [ ][ ] Do I use statistics that are irrelevant to the discussion at hand to prove an irrelevant point?

    [ ][ ] Do I attack people's grammatical or verbal mistakes when my point or line of reasoning is proved wrong or inadmissable?

    [ ][ ] Do I claim to know everything without experiencing nothing?

    [ ][ ] Do I deliberately belittle other people who appear to have more than me?

    [ ][ ] Do I believe you can understand a country's way of life by visiting thier tourists locations?

    [ ][ ] Can I can get anthrax opening an e-mail?

    [ ][ ] Can I get a girl pregant if I discharge in her an4l cavity?

    [ ][ ] Can superman beat batman?
  23. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    did they work in the red light district? :D :p How much do they charge now a days?
  24. TequilaJoal

    TequilaJoal Red Card

    Mar 3, 2002
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    No, but spent more than just visiting time there

    I like Mexico

    Your turn
  25. EvilRick

    EvilRick New Member

    Jun 4, 2000
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
    Nat'l Team:
    I don't know, every cartoon I've seen where these two go at each other ends up in a draw.

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