Vintage High school soccer Videos??? Help finding them

Discussion in 'Soccer Videos' started by old timer45, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. old timer45

    old timer45 Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Looking to watch a few full 1970's-1980's high school soccer games, but I have only been able to find a handful of "full games" uploaded on YouTube. Most videos seem to cover "highlights" of games, or they are very short, edited down versions.

    I'm not sure if there are more games uploaded, or maybe I just haven't found them. If this is the case, I sure could use a bit of help finding those "hard to find" videos hidden in YouTube's archive ( or any video hosting site such as Vimeo, Smug mug, Etc ).
  2. Kai Werring

    Kai Werring New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Swansea City AFC
    That's going to be a tough task as typically back then it was parents doing the recordings. Most of the videos are probably buried away or in a attack somewhere. I would reach out to schools you are interested in, and see if they can help you. I'm sure there are some Forums as where elsewhere where perhaps you could find more people looking for the same thing. Good luck.
  3. old timer45

    old timer45 Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Thanks Kai,

    It seems that YouTube is full of High School football games ( full, entire games ), but little in the way of soccer. I can not understand that, as soccer was extremely popular at least up till 1990, before it fell off.

    I hear you about them being home movies...

    Until a few years back, I was able to watch quite a few 1980s High school soccer games over at Plattsburgh New York Regional Videos ( site no longer available ).

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