Soccer leagues around Osan/Seoul

Discussion in 'Korea' started by cfariasperez, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. cfariasperez

    cfariasperez New Member

    Jul 7, 2016
    I will be in Osan for 3-4 months starting in July. I'm a state referee and a college referee as well. I've heard there are leagues similar to high school leagues in the US.
    Does anyone know who I could contact about maybe officiating games while I'm there?

    Thanks in advance for any help!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. hanul21

    hanul21 Guest

    Welcome cfariasperez!
    Since you mentioned Osan, I assume you're in the military?

    Your best bet would be to consult the posters at It's geared more towards foreigners in Korea who happen to be football fans. The SSFL (Seoul Sunday Football League) is well-organized and I'm sure they would love to have someone ref a game or two. You can check out SSFL here -->

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