Feuer got a match... I guess no one noticed

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by Captain Splarg, Aug 8, 2002.

  1. Captain Splarg

    Apr 25, 1999
    Pacific Grove, CA
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  2. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    It's not that. No one can keep track of him. ;)
  3. pething101

    pething101 Member

    Jul 31, 2001
    Smyrna, Ga
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  4. mattgabe

    mattgabe Member

    Sep 20, 2000
    Blacksburg, VA
  5. Captain Splarg

    Apr 25, 1999
    Pacific Grove, CA
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah, That was a rarity for the box being taken, we'll have the executive box next time for sure.
  6. Captain Splarg

    Apr 25, 1999
    Pacific Grove, CA
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Feb 8'th is the match.... Looks like for the 2änd year in a row I'm going to miss West Ham coming to Elland Road. I'll live :)

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