China Derby Shenhua VS Beijing 2006-04-30 [R]

Discussion in 'China' started by greenlion, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. greenlion

    greenlion Member

    Apr 22, 2004
    Beijing Guoan
    Nat'l Team:
    China PR
    China Derby - 京沪大战

    Apr 30th Shenhua VS Guo'an!

    Hi Shenhua fans, Still have 2 weeks to go but I'm quite sure that we will Crush You! ——that's what I said last year remember?!!!!!

    Guo'an VS Shenhua history results since 1994

    year Guo'an VS Shenhua
    1994 5-1/3-4
    1995 2-0/0-1
    1996 1-0/1-1
    1997 9-1/1-2
    1998 1-1/0-0
    1999 0-1/2-2
    2000 3-3/0-1
    2001 1-3/0-1
    2002 2-1/1-1
    2003 2-1/0-1
    2004 3-0/2-2
    2005 4-0/0-1

    FA Cup
    1997 FA CUP FINAL
    Guo'an 2-1 Shenhua
    2005 FA Cup Quarter-Final
    Guo'an 2-0/1-2 Shenhua

    Super Cup
    Guo'an 4-3 Shenhua

    Guo'an won 11 matchs, drew 7 times lost 10 times, goal difference is 52 - 35

    Guo'an's four biggest won over Shenhua
    1997 9-1 at home:D
    1994 5-1 at home:D
    2005 4-0 at home:D
    2004 3-0 at home

    Shenhua's bigeest won against Guo'an is in 2001, they won 3-1 away
  2. shanghai_ultra

    Mar 29, 2006
    Shanghai Shenhua
    Nat'l Team:
    It's going to be a great game, Greenlion. I'll be there and will take some pictures for all to enjoy - I didn't realise I was the only one of this forum who goes to the games - guess you guys are overseas or living too far away etc.

    Shenhua, still too early to count them out, from what I hear Liaoning's 1-0 victory over them was very lucky. Good victory today for Shenhua, I wasn't actually at the game I was out of Shanghai on business didnt get back till around 6pm - too late to get straight to the stadium.

    Good to see some of Shenhua's Chinese players scoring.
  3. greenlion

    greenlion Member

    Apr 22, 2004
    Beijing Guoan
    Nat'l Team:
    China PR
    You are Right~ My Last Game in Gonti was 2003 when I was still in college
  4. chengb02

    chengb02 Member

    Oct 14, 2002
    hehe, you should have come to BJ last year and went with me! Oh well, I'm hoping to get back this year before the season ends...The next 3 weeks are going to be very interesting. Beijing has Shandong this weekend, then Shenhua next week in Round 10, then a week later in Round 11 Shenhua have Shandong...This is where we start seeing who is for real...

    Anyways, let the trash talking begin!!!
  5. xfactor857

    xfactor857 Member

    Sep 21, 2003
    Go to hell you pompous cvnts.

    One nil!

    \o/ \o/ \o/ SHENHUA \o/ \o/ \o/
  6. chengb02

    chengb02 Member

    Oct 14, 2002
  7. xfactor857

    xfactor857 Member

    Sep 21, 2003
    I have photographic evidence. Plus, we shut you out. That sole goal is a BIG BLEMISH. :p
  8. shanghai_ultra

    Mar 29, 2006
    Shanghai Shenhua
    Nat'l Team:
    Green lion -

    I am writing a feature about the China derby for - I would be very greatful if you could give me a little bit of background into the history of the derby - from a fans perspective - why the two teams hate each other, the cultural background, and why you think Guoan will win.

    Please PM me for more info.
  9. chengb02

    chengb02 Member

    Oct 14, 2002
    my photographic evidence is coming, i just can't seem to find it, or even all the fans with the 9-1 signs...ugh! Oh well, I will have new photographic evidence after the game as the young guns Yan and Huang show that our kids can play and Gao Lin can't :D
  10. chengb02

    chengb02 Member

    Oct 14, 2002
    I am not greenlion, but as to why they hate each other, its simple, Beijingers hate Shanghainese and vice versa. This game is called the China derby for a reason, it is a battle for national supremacy, for city bragging rights in the only possible forum that allows for this. There is CBA basketball, but nobody paid attention to that except during the wars between Dazhi and Yao ?another Beijing-Shanghai battle). Both cities feel they are the best, most important city in China and this game gets the passions boiling like nothing else. The cultural background? Beijingers are warm, friendly people with a passing interest in politics whereas most Shanghainese are vile, money grubbing creatures who would stab their own mother in the back if it means making a few more bucks (haha, to x, cff, et al, no offense, right? :D).

    China is a nation where regional pride is so important and this is our war for the upper hand. Unfortunately not many Beijing fans will make the trip to Hongkou and no Shenhua(r) fans will go to Fengtai, but passions among the fans in the stadium will be high.

    Beijing will win because:

    1. No matter what BJ is always the first and most important city in China.

    2. okay, serious reasons now, Shanghai has no offensive threat

    3. Beijing has an excellent mixture of talented veterans like Xu Yunlong, Yang Pu, and Tao Wei plus superstar kids who have proven they can score like Yan Xiangchun and Huang Bowen.

    Haha, and of course, we always have the power of the 9 - 1, something that can never be forgotten! We're Guoan and we're not going to lose!
  11. shanghai_ultra

    Mar 29, 2006
    Shanghai Shenhua
    Nat'l Team:
    Heh heh, great answer.

    I would like to quote you though. Can I have your real name and your background? Would be nice to have a picture of you and your mates in your BJ jerseys, if possible.

    As always, derbies are a bit of fun and I really love all this Shanghai-Beijing banter, feels like real football... :)

    Feel free to PM me
  12. greenlion

    greenlion Member

    Apr 22, 2004
    Beijing Guoan
    Nat'l Team:
    China PR
    Lucky I'm writing that kind of article for a Hongkong site~ I'll PM you as soon asI finished it~ just take some time ;)
  13. shanghai_ultra

    Mar 29, 2006
    Shanghai Shenhua
    Nat'l Team:
    Thanks Greenlion. If you want some close-up original pictures of the Blue Devils I can send you some.

    Are you writing your article in English???
  14. greenlion

    greenlion Member

    Apr 22, 2004
    Beijing Guoan
    Nat'l Team:
    China PR
    No~ in CHinese,Can You read? if not I may PM YOu a short Version
  15. shanghai_ultra

    Mar 29, 2006
    Shanghai Shenhua
    Nat'l Team:
    Sadly i cant read Chinese. If you can send a short version, that would be cool. :)
  16. Suvlaco

    Suvlaco Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    Adelaide, Australia
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Looking forward to this :)
    And I'll finally have a Shenhua shirt! My parents sent me a message saying they'd bought me a Shenhua shirt in Hong Kong and they get home on thursday :D
    I'll be the only guy in Australia with one, and I'll wear it! :D
  17. greenlion

    greenlion Member

    Apr 22, 2004
    Beijing Guoan
    Nat'l Team:
    China PR
    Hong Kong Do has a lot of Shenhua Fans
  18. greenlion

    greenlion Member

    Apr 22, 2004
    Beijing Guoan
    Nat'l Team:
    China PR
    the Chinese version finished~ May I ask Chengbo or Dreamer to translate it? Cause I'm not good at translation~


    2003年的京沪大战北京主场前夕,京城主要媒体基本都在头版头条刊登了足球报道,而这也只有在迎战申花时才可能出现, 《北京寒风誓摧申花》、《夺冠阻击战工体今日演》、《这一战,未闻硝烟已成经典》……类似火暴的炒作无形中每次都把北京国安推到一个只能进不能退的处境。京沪比赛总是被炒得很热,当时申花快要夺冠,有位北京球迷说:“北京是被逼上架子,打申花的确不需要动员,打申花也许和冠军没有关系,和北京足球的面子有关系!”






    虽然申花曾在北京两次战胜国安而国安从未在上海取得对申花的一场胜利,但相较之下,工体或先农坛对于申花远比虹口或上体对于国安多了几分地狱的感觉,94赛季的5-1主场首胜,95赛季国安队4-3力斩申花队; 97赛季著名的9-1辣手“摧花”;97足协杯决战国安2-1拿下申花,蝉联足协杯冠军;2000年国安主场3∶3“委屈”地与对手打平。2005年酣畅淋漓的4-0,相信这些陈年往事一定是锱铢必较的“阿拉”们不能忘怀的,大家从这些高比分的比赛也可以看出,两队之间激情四射的演出,共同联袂导演了众多让人回味无穷的经典赛事。而这也正是两队乃至全国球迷、媒体对京沪之战总是有很多期待的理由。2003年申花在主场一场不甚精彩的比赛中1-0小胜对手,居然引起了本土媒体新闻晨报打出"申花无奈制造史上最差京沪大战"标题,以"扼杀京沪大战的激情"为主题,对获胜的主队好一通口诛笔伐.



    作为申花球迷来讲,北京囯安是作为阶级敌人一样看待的。9-1不仅成为了申花十年甲A的耻辱,甚至成为了上海德比战中上海国际球迷的口号,再加上北京和上海这两座城市的特殊地位,仇恨的形成也就顺理成章。 在上海进行的京沪大战,蓝魔啦啦队和申花高校联盟总是以高呼:"北京国安,有来无回"作为对对手的欢迎。特别当国安比分落后时,他们会把口号改成"北京烤鸭,有来无回"来奚落对手。当然国安的球迷也不会示弱,当申花在工体出场时,伴随他们脚步的总是传统的著名京骂"申花!傻B!",一旦国安领先,绿色狂飙,御林军,华贸国安等球迷阵营就会整齐划一的喊出"9-1! 9-1!".震撼效果达到什么地步? 2003年追随申花队远征客场的一位"可汗"球迷团成员在赛后发给朋友的短信中写道:"我好难过!申花输了!听着满场对我们的骂声,我们都哭了!"


  19. chengb02

    chengb02 Member

    Oct 14, 2002
    X and all you other Shanghainese, why aren't you defending your city? In the Asia NSR forum there's a thread titled "in Shanghai now" where someone from NYC (and everyone else) is complaining about how dirty Shanghai is and stuff...hehe, I had to come to Shanghai's defense, but now I'm starting to feel dirty!
  20. dreamer

    dreamer Member

    Aug 4, 2004

    I don't think their women let them get into fights chengb. :eek:
  21. dreamer

    dreamer Member

    Aug 4, 2004

    Greenlion are you trying to get me fired? That's one heck of a long article to translate (an excellent one I might add).

    Chengb can do the heavy lifting if he wished but I'll do my share by doing this synopsis. Please correct me if I've misunderstood you Greenlion.

    What Greenlion is trying to say, basically, Shanghai Ultra, is this, "both Beijing and Shanghai suck. If you want to see a real city with both history and commerce, go to Guangzhou. And if you want to see real soccer, go see the Dalian games. Over."

    Did I get it right Greenlion? :)
  22. shanghai_ultra

    Mar 29, 2006
    Shanghai Shenhua
    Nat'l Team:
    Ha ha,

    ITs ok guys I can get my girlfriend to translate. Would like some names and faces to go with these quotes if possible.
  23. xfactor857

    xfactor857 Member

    Sep 21, 2003
    Some parts of Shanghai are pretty dirty...not to mention the humidity.
  24. shanghai_ultra

    Mar 29, 2006
    Shanghai Shenhua
    Nat'l Team:
    Shanghai is no dirtier than a lot of other places in China - and it's certainly better than some other big cities I've been to in Asia - Bangkok for example.

    My only real gripe with Shanghai is the ridiculous price of beer in most of the bars. There is no reason for it to be so expensive, other than bar owners making a stinking huge profit.

    People moan about the weather in the winter, but it's nothing compared with Scotland, so it's no problem for me. The summer is another matter though - it's awful. Really hot and very humid from July-September. June and October are ok for most people, but still too hot for me. But if the humidity lasted any longer, I dont think I could live in Shanghai. Thank god for aircon.

    I have some really cool Shanghaiese friends, but its obvious to anyone who has spent anytime in China that Shanghai is not as friendly as the rest of the country.

    Having said that, Shanghai is a really international city and there is always something going on. I can see why it isnt for some people, but I love it and I think I will spend a long time here.

    And as for the Blue Devils, they are pretty unique in terms of being Shanghaiese. Friendly, passionate, rowdy and not worried about "being cool". The quality of Chinese football is not high - but that is not the point. They know it is not fashionable to support a Chinese team, but they dont care. They have my complete respect for that. This is the real Shanghai - people doing what they do because they love it, not because it's trendy or a way to make money.

  25. chengb02

    chengb02 Member

    Oct 14, 2002
    hey, I've been defending Shanghai, I don't think its all that dirty and its definitely not as bad as NYC. Some of the older parts are pretty bad though.

    Hehe, the price of drinks can get insane, but there are still some dive places to be found, the problem is that going to those places its like why bother, just drinking at home is better (and you wouldn't come out feeling absolutely dirty).

    The weather sucks, but its not that bad, winter is relatively mild and summer is passable (nowhere near as bad as Nanjing), plus there are plenty of decent places for weekend trips.

    My biggest problem with Shanghai is that its an international city, in so many ways its lost its uniqueness, its Chineseness and just become like any other city in China. Last month when I was there my cousin made me choose a place for dinner, I spent the afternoon calling up restaurants for a reservation on a Friday night, it took 20 calls or so till I found a place with an opening. Call that progress, but I'm not a fan, that's something that never happened even 2 years ago. Going to Xintiandi a few years back, we went to a bar where a friggin can of Coke was 80 RMB, that is like US$10, in a grocery store that can isn't even 1 kuai!!! That night, we spent over US$100 on 2 cuban cigars, 2 cans of Coke, and 2 Rum and Cokes.

    As for the people, there are so many assholes that you come across on a regular basis, but then again, it seems whenever I'm really pissed off and start to hate the city, somebody will do something to renew my faith in their humanity...

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