Alvaro Valdes

Discussion in 'Colombia' started by MrPaisa, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. MrPaisa

    MrPaisa New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Madison, NY
    Hmmm, seriously interesting article. It highlights ex-Huila's portero, Alvaro Valdes, who now preaches to the youth in Argentina.

    However, he has not given up on professional futbol, and is working hard to sign for an Argentine team. Maybe this is better for Colombian players, just leave the league altogether and search for opportunities elsewhere from an early age.

    read the article here:álvaro-valdes-el-arquero

    watch alvaro playing futbol here:

    I would really like to see what becomes of him, and I find it fascinating in Argentina decided to do this special on him.

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