Jul 18, 2005
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Moderator, from Toronto

Staff Member
    1. Anthony Lim
      Anthony Lim
      I think you are the one getting too personal... You are a bias moderator! Control freak and a power tripper!.
      1. Zidane05 repped this.
    2. meringues
      hey random q -- is there a way to change my display name or is it set in stone?
    3. Benz09
      I don't like Budden, he's my least favourite off Slaughterhouse tbh, but i gotta admit he was great on the Shady Cypher, maybe i just need to warm up to him, as he is a good lyricist, better than the majority out there tbh. :)
    4. Benz09
      Just sayin' you're a cool guy.
    5. Benz09
      Oh ok, he always had subject matter with great substance, and that's what i liked about him a lot. A superb rapper, who was a genuine lyricist and an under appreciated poet outside the rap game. :)
    6. Benz09
      You a big fan of 2pac?
    7. Shay Z
      Shay Z
      Hey ZO5, are you still a bit of a Milanista? I remember from back in the day, you used to watch a lot of their games.
    8. deleted
      That was all taken care of when we bought him 2 years ago, and then extended his contract this year to get rid of the buy-back clause to bayern :D
    9. deleted
      I have to take that back ;) Hummels happened to play in midfield beside Kroos for 20 minutes today and turned the game around for germany......
    10. deleted
      It's just reflective of any sunday league team in most parts of the country now. (Applying the same logic to England and black players as we speak :cool:) he didnt, but for a very long time he was a DM (before he turned pro), and was ace in that role in the u21 euro final two years ago.
    11. deleted
      It's a good thing that the turkish descent hasn't ended up in the way of his football ability ;):cool:

      We'll put koch, leitner, HUMMELS or antonio da silva (who backed up sahin a few times) there. If those don't work for the system, look for a midfield diamond.....with either Hummels (felipe santana who is as good as subotic will be the other CB) or koch as the lone DM, because Bender is good enough in central midfield too.

      As we have more Attacking midfielders now, the balance could overall shift there from the central midfield too. So we have a few options to come up with something that works.
    12. deleted
      We're using the CL money to sign who we have to higher deals. The first team is tied down for at least 3 years at the moment, but some like Kagawa will be re-signed for longer. From the Sahin $$$, half has gone to ivan perisic, who is an attacking midfielder who can fill in at striker, who led the belgian league in goals with 11 assist this year. The rest went to Ilkay Guendogan, if you are fooled by the name you'll find out he's german after all :D, one of the best AMs in the league this year.

      So we're going to ask back from loan Julian Koch (RB/CM) who was the best 2.Bundesliga player according to kicker this year, or use Moritz Leitner (on loan at Augsburg), who is 18, a massively talented kid at CM/DM/AM who we signed from 1860 Muenchen a year ago to try the job.

      If you happened to skip all that, the answer was a "no" :cool: Mainly because we're broke but also Sahin was a part of the machine who we can adjust tactically for if one of the kids dont work out.
    13. YOUNGSTARS87
      You mean besides intimidation and baby eating?
    14. YOUNGSTARS87
      Yeah, but then I'd have to do all the work they do as well..... then I'd go soft. :(
    15. YOUNGSTARS87
      Non-believer. :mad:
    16. mymy33
      Yeah, I always find it to be an exercise in futility to just read and comprehend what's written :D
    17. mymy33
      How does that equate to having to play their style of football to beat them though? In your haste to grab the pitchforks I think you're reading waaaaay too much into it ;)
    18. mymy33
      Dude, look at his post again...he never said anything about having to play their style of football to beat them. Read it real slow and let it sink in ;)

      And with that goodnight good sir, I'm too old to be up this late :D
    19. mymy33
      Whatevs :rolleyes::D

      He does make a fair point though ;)
    20. deleted
      I can never forget Nuri, he's one of us, always will be ;)
      That doesn't mean he doesn't have his flaws as a football player.....the fanboys won't tell you this, don't expect to see anything like a galactico on the pitch, but with hard work he can definitely grow into that, and it's definitely a very good buy you'll see new silk in the midfield, nothing to worry about with that ;)
    21. deleted
      Yep, but that's being taken out of context. I didn't start off with the whole BVB team breakdown, guess I should keep that in mind for next time and save us the trouble.

    22. Horsehead
      Good to have you back around. :D
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    Jul 18, 2005
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    This message is approved by Alma Merengue.
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