The All-Encompassing Pro/Rel Thread on Soccer in the USA

Discussion in 'Soccer in the USA' started by bigredfutbol, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. ThreeApples

    ThreeApples Member+

    Jul 28, 1999
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    Both teams were last place the year before.
  2. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    It's not really crazy, it's how many tickets were put up for sale.
  3. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    Minnesota had the joint fourth worst record the previous season.

    I seem to remember Nottingham Forest went from beyond last to first in 1977. And EC winners the season after.
  4. barroldinho

    barroldinho Member+

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    The average price for a Superbowl ticket is $2,500, while Atlanta United single game tickets run $25-$90. And they usually don't open the stadium to capacity.

    Additionally, the Atlanta Falcons who play in that stadium, had an average attendance of just under 73,000 in 2018. Not sure what point you're trying to make here?
    Roger Allaway repped this.
  5. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    They had the second worst record in AL.

    QUOTE="M, post: 37493187, member: 7386"]
    I seem to remember Nottingham Forest went from beyond last to first in 1977. And EC winners the season after.[/QUOTE]

    a. It never happened, it's just a conspiracy theory.
    b. Spurs actually finished bottom. It will never happen again.
  6. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    There were also 2 current Premier League teams playing at the third level and 3 at the fourth. In fact Bournmouth finished lower than five teams that are now below Football League level. That's the nature of a pro/rel pyramid.
  7. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    NSS, although there was no pro/rel pyramid back then.
  8. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    You mean there was no pro/rel to/from the Football League back then. However, all the five sides I mentioned were relegated from the Football League after pro/rel was introduced in 86/87.
  9. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    Apr 18, 2015
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    It wasn't a pyramid though, it was known as the league ladder.
  10. HailtotheKing

    HailtotheKing Member+

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    They both finished last in their division in '90. Atlanta was THE worst team in baseball in '90 while Minnesota was 4th worst overall. ATL was 26 games back in the division while MIN was 29 games back.

    Worst to first.
    barroldinho and owian repped this.
  11. Google Translation after the Dutch txt.
    The Antwerp University tells Belgian youth put their future in danger moving to the epl academies.
    Datum: 5 februari 2019

    Inleiding: Jonge voetballers die naar Engeland trekken, brengen hun verdere carrière in gevaar. Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek van de Universiteit Antwerpen en Stirr Associates.

    Jonge voetballers die naar Engeland trekken voordat ze hun debuut maken in de eigen nationale competitie, brengen hun verdere carrière in gevaar. Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek rond iets meer dan tachtig talentvolle Belgische jeugdvoetballers uit de afgelopen veertien jaar, uitgevoerd door de Universiteit Antwerpen en Stirr Associates, het managementkantoor van oud-profvoetballer Stijn Francis. Hoewel de jongeren en hun familie op korte termijn verleid worden met hoge geldsommen, betekent dit op lange termijn vaak mindere prestaties en lagere lonen.

    Onderzoekers Laurenz Van Looveren van Stirr Associates en Matteo Balliauw en Sunčica Vujić, verbonden aan de UAntwerpen, verzamelden data van 83 van de meest talentvolle Belgische voetballers in de afgelopen veertien jaar. Onder meer Kevin De Bruyne, Thibaut Courtois, de broertjes Lukaku en Hazard, Toby Alderweireld, Youri Tielemans, Charly Mussonda Jr., Matthias Bossaerts, Jason Denayer en Dedryck Boyata werden bestudeerd toen ze tussen 15 en 23 jaar oud waren. Zelfs voor die groep van getalenteerde spelers blijkt een transfer op jeugdige leeftijd naar de Premier League niet zonder gevaar.

    “Vele mensen denken dat de meest getalenteerde spelers het sowieso wel zullen maken in het buitenland, maar niets is minder waar”, zegt Matteo Balliauw, onderzoeker aan de UAntwerpen.

    Lagere marktwaarde

    De cijfers liegen er niet om. Spelers die hun opleiding afrondden in Engeland, hebben over het algemeen een lagere marktwaarde, en bijgevolg ook een lager loon in de eerste jaren van hun carrière. Bovendien tonen de prestatie-indicatoren van het Nederlandse voetbaldatabedrijf SciSports aan dat deze spelers hun prestaties vaak slechter zijn in deze cruciale fase in hun ontwikkeling.

    Uit de studie blijkt dat de enorme concurrentie binnen de Engelse teams een belangrijke rol speelt. Jeugdspelers krijgen te weinig kansen om ervaring op te doen in de eerste ploeg. Laat dit nu net noodzakelijk zijn in de ontwikkeling van diezelfde jongeren.

    Andere oorzaken voor de negatieve impact van een transfer naar de Premier League op jeugdspelers die de studie aanhaalt, zijn de aanpassingen aan een andere taal en de afstand tot thuis. Vrienden en familie, die jongeren steunen op moeilijk momenten, zijn dan niet langer in de buurt. Verhalen als die van jonge, eenzame en door heimwee geteisterde toptalenten zijn geen unicum in het jeugdvoetbal. De vaak fragiele en beïnvloedbare jonkies staan er dan al alleen voor, iets wat minder geldt voor spelers die dichter bij huis blijven, bijvoorbeeld in Nederland of Frankrijk.

    Belgische jeugdspelers, goedkope en interessante investeringen voor Engelse clubs

    Waarom zijn onze jonge Belgische spelers dan zo gegeerd door Engelse clubs? In Engeland worden clubs verplicht een minimumaantal eigen opgeleide jeugdspelers in de kern te hebben. Daarom gaan ze op zoek naar de beste internationale jeugdspelers voor hun academies. “Belgische jeugdspelers onder de 16 jaar vormen een goedkope investering voor Engelse topclubs, omdat ze op deze leeftijd vaak nog niet onder contract staan bij hun Belgische club. Hierdoor moeten er geen dure transfersommen betaald worden. De wetgever speelde hier inmiddels al op in door de minimumleeftijd om een profcontract te tekenen, te verlagen tot 15 jaar”, zegt Stijn Francis, die met Stirr Associates onder meer de belangen van Dries Mertens en Toby Alderweireld behartigt.

    “Wanneer een jeugdspeler nog niet onder contract staat moet er enkel een opleidingsvergoeding betaald worden, maar deze zijn peanuts in vergelijking met de budgetten van Engelse clubs en de toekomstige transfersom wanneer een jeugdspeler doorbreekt. Op die manier kunnen de clubs de investering gemakkelijk terugverdienen, zelfs als slechts enkele spelers het tot een eerste ploeg schoppen”, aldus zijn collega en onderzoeker Laurenz Van Looveren.

    Een belangrijke verklaring voor de aantrekkelijkheid van Belgische spelers voor buitenlandse clubs dient ook gezocht te worden bij onze Rode Duivels. Onder impuls van de recente successen van de nationale ploeg zijn Belgische jeugdspelers nog aantrekkelijker geworden voor Engelse clubs.

    In het buitenland is het niet beter

    Onafhankelijk onderzoek van CIES, een sportstudiecentrum in Zwitserland, toont aan dat de Belgische en Nederlandse academies bij de Europese top behoren. Zo worden de jeugdopleidingen van Standard en Ajax hoger ingeschat dan die van pakweg Manchester City en Chelsea. Daarom is het volgens Francis voor de spelers beter om hun opleiding in hun vertrouwde omgeving af te werken en ervaring op te doen in de eigen competitie. “Jonge talenten kunnen sneller speelminuten vergaren in de Belgische competitie in vergelijking met het buitenland. Voldoende speelminuten in een eerste elftal zijn voor elk talent noodzakelijk om te groeien in een carrière. Pas nadat men de nodige ervaring in de Belgische eerste klasse vergaard heeft, zijn de spelers klaar om naar de sterkste competities in het buitenland te trekken. “Op die manier kunnen ze naar het voorbeeld van onze Rode Duivels speelkansen afdwingen en presteren op het hoogste voetbalniveau”, voegt Van Looveren er nog aan toe.

    Begeleiding is cruciaal

    Het is belangrijk dat spelers zich goed laten begeleiden, en niet kiezen voor direct geldgewin. Een vertrouwenspersoon die handelt in het belang van de speler, kan in overleg met de ouders helpen om aanbiedingen van clubs te bespreken en af te wegen. Hierbij is het sportief plan het belangrijkste, met uitzicht op speelminuten in de hoofdmacht van een club.

    “Als de spelers ervaring kunnen opdoen en leren van de beste spelers in sterke clubs én in de nationale ploeg, kunnen ze zich ontwikkelen op sportief vlak”, vindt Balliauw. “De bedragen die spelers en hun familie op korte termijn hiervoor moeten weigeren, zullen ruimschoots gecompenseerd worden in de rest van de carrière tussen de 23 en 33 jaar. Dan zitten ervaren profvoetballers op het maximum van hun verdienpotentieel, en zullen ze veel hogere lonen kunnen verdienen.”


    Date: 5 February 2019

    Introduction: Young football players who travel to England endanger their further career. This is shown by research from the University of Antwerp and Stirr Associates.

    Young football players who travel to England before making their debut in their own national competition endanger their further career. This is evident from a survey of just over eighty talented Belgian youth footballers from the past fourteen years, conducted by the University of Antwerp and Stirr Associates, the management office of former professional football player Stijn Francis. Although young people and their families are tempted in the short term with high sums of money, this often means lesser performance and lower wages in the long term.

    Researchers Laurenz Van Looveren from Stirr Associates and Matteo Balliauw and Sunčica Vujić, associated with UAntwerp, collected data from 83 of the most talented Belgian footballers in the past fourteen years. Among others Kevin De Bruyne, Thibaut Courtois, the brothers Lukaku and Hazard, Toby Alderweireld, Youri Tielemans, Charly Mussonda Jr., Matthias Bossaerts, Jason Denayer and Dedryck Boyata were studied when they were between 15 and 23 years old. Even for that group of talented players, a transfer at a young age to the Premier League is not without danger.

    "Many people think that the most talented players will make it abroad anyway, but nothing is less true," says Matteo Balliauw, researcher at UAntwerpen.

    Lower market value

    The numbers do not lie. Players who completed their training in England generally have a lower market value, and consequently a lower wage in the first years of their career. Moreover, the performance indicators of the Dutch football data company SciSports show that these players are often poorer in their performance at this crucial stage in their development.

    The study shows that the enormous competition within the English teams plays an important role. Youth players are given too few opportunities to gain experience in the first team. Now let this be necessary in the development of the same young people.

    Other reasons for the negative impact of a transfer to the Premier League on youth players that the study cites are the changes to another language and the distance to home. Friends and family, who support young people at difficult times, are then no longer in the neighborhood. Stories like those of young, lonely and homesick-infested top talents are not unique in youth football. The often fragile and influenceable youngsters are already there alone, which is less true for players who stay closer to home, for example in the Netherlands or France.

    Belgian youth players, cheap and interesting investments for English clubs

    Why are our young Belgian players so popular with English clubs? In England, clubs are required to have a minimum number of their own trained youth players in the core. That is why they are looking for the best international youth players for their academies. "Belgian youth players under the age of 16 are a cheap investment for top English clubs, because at this age they are often not yet contracted at their Belgian club. As a result, no expensive transfer fees have to be paid. The legislator already responded to this by lowering the minimum age to sign a professional contract to 15 years ", says Stijn Francis, who, together with Stirr Associates, represents the interests of Dries Mertens and Toby Alderweireld.

    "When a youth player is not yet under contract, only a training allowance must be paid, but these are peanuts compared to the budgets of English clubs and the future transfer fee when a youth player breaks through. In this way, the clubs can easily earn back the investment, even if only a few players make it to a first team, "says his colleague and researcher Laurenz Van Looveren.

    An important explanation for the attractiveness of Belgian players for foreign clubs should also be sought with our Red Devils. Under the impetus of the recent successes of the national team, Belgian youth players have become even more attractive for English clubs.
    It is not better abroad

    Independent research by CIES, a sports study center in Switzerland, shows that the Belgian and Dutch academies belong to the European top. For example, the youth academies of Standard and Ajax are rated higher than those of, say, Manchester City and Chelsea. Therefore, according to Francis, it is better for the players to finish their training in their familiar environment and to gain experience in their own competition. "Young talents can gather more minutes of play in the Belgian competition compared to other countries. Sufficient minutes of play in a first team are necessary for every talent to grow in a career. Only after having gained the necessary experience in the Belgian first class are the players ready to go to the strongest leagues abroad. "In this way they can enforce and perform at the highest level of football according to the example of our Red Devils playing chances", adds Van Looveren.

    Guidance is crucial

    It is important that players are well-guided and do not opt for direct money. A counselor who acts in the interest of the player can, in consultation with the parents, help to discuss and weigh offers from clubs. The sporting plan is the most important, with a view of playing minutes in the main force of a club.

    "If the players can gain experience and learn from the best players in strong clubs and in the national team, they can develop on a sporting level," says Balliauw. "The amounts that players and their families will have to refuse in the short term will be amply compensated in the rest of the career between 23 and 33 years. Then experienced professional soccer players are at the maximum of their earning potential, and they will be able to earn much higher wages. "
  12. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    Apr 18, 2015
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    Given that the Chargers lowered their capacity in 2018 reducing the number of visible empty seats, The Falcons were the new stars of #emptyseatsgalore and the subject of much humor on other platforms in 2018, with some claiming that the stadium was rarely more than 70% full for NFL games.


    It cements the reputation Atlanta sports fans have of being flaky to say the least, which makes the success of United even more remarkable.

    It remains to be seen whether Dutch total football will generate as much excitement as Tata's nifty Latin-American style.

    Let's hope De Boer doesn't de boer them to death. Crystal Palace failed to score in his first four games in charge. He was fired 3 games later.
  13. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    No, he only lasted four Premier League games. As you say, four defeats and not a single goal. Hard pressed to think of a more comical spell as a Premier League manager. Even Bob Bradley's spell at Swansea doesn't match this.
  14. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
  15. barroldinho

    barroldinho Member+

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    I don't really follow the NFL so I had no idea about the Falcons issues or even their 2018 record.

    I went off the published stats.

    I don't think it mitigates the general point though: that comparing Super Bowl attendance to Atalanta United is flawed due to the huge difference in price.

    We should also consider that for those empty seats to register as 73k attendances, they likely sold the tickets.

    I also don't know the logistics of Atlanta but I've seen many a Galaxy game that I've attended on #EmptySeatsGalore, that were actually very well attended but many people hadn't got to their seats by kick off.

    This is especially true for midweek 7:30 starts, where people are fighting the tail end of commuter traffic and don't reach the venue and get parked until well into the first half.

    I even saw an ESG post for a CCL game mocking the Galaxy's empty upper deck, when in fact, due to the contract with UC San Domingues Hills, capacity had to be limited on those nights when classes were in session. Ergo, those seats weren't available.

    Tl;dr, Feyenoord's point is still flawed and #EmptySeatsGalore isn't the most reliable source.
    owian repped this.
  16. The mistake he made with those clubs that fired him was that he wanted to implement the successful style he played with Ajax and winning them 4 titles in a row and missing the fifth in the last match of the season by one point. The players didnot buy it or (more likely) werenot able to play that style so they more or less shifted him out of the door. To the consolation of de Boer those players werenot much better after he left.
    However, FdB had some time to think his wrongs over and probably will go for a more gradual shift in stead of Ajax style hammering it in from day one and who doesnot follow is out.
  17. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    I wasn't trying to undermine your point, just making an observation. Reports suggest that in some games the stadium has maxed out at about 70% full.

    I think Americans have a tendency to by tickets and not show up, which you can understand when teams are playing dozens of home games but it's less comprehensible when the only play 8.

    Whatever, front offices seem to be under constant pressure to report that games are sold out.
    barroldinho repped this.
  18. barroldinho

    barroldinho Member+

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    Oh, feel free to undermine any undermine-able point I might make. That's what these discussions are for. :thumbsup:

    I just got a bit carried away with my #ESG examples. They're a pet tool of the Westerveltian mindset.

    While reporting tickets sold, rather than physical attendance is a fairly common practice generally, I'll hazard a guess that in the case of the NFL, the blackout rule plays a part. If it's based on people turning up, those levels could have seen the Falcons blocked from local TV, which wouldn't be entirely fair if they'd actually sold the required percentage only for people not to turn up.

    None of which of course, has much to do with pro/rel.
  19. Billionaires donot produce talents. Closed league billionaires even have less incentive to produce talents into stars.
    USRufnex repped this.
  20. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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  21. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    Well we've been running out of things to talk about.
    barroldinho repped this.
  22. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    On what basis? After their disastrous start with De Boer, Crystal Palace actually finished in 11th place that season.
    jaykoz3 and barroldinho repped this.
  23. Expansion Franchise

    Chattanooga FC
    United States
    Apr 7, 2018
    I agree that comparing MLS Cup to the Superbowl is like comparing apples to an active diamond mine, but it is noteworthy in the fact that the MLS Cup had as many in attendance as the Superbowl (as tautalogical as that sounds). I mean, let's at least appreciate how far we've come.
    barroldinho repped this.
  24. Expansion Franchise

    Chattanooga FC
    United States
    Apr 7, 2018
    To be fair, Roy Hodgson had the benefit of Wilfried Zaha.
  25. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    Apr 18, 2015
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    So as there's nothing else to talk about, despite accidentally tweeting a picture of his penis and putting the club up for sale out of embarrassment, Notts County's chairman was as good as his word and brought in a bunch of free agents and loan players to help us play our way out of trouble.

    Last weekend we fielded 7 new signings at home to first place Lincoln City and got a well earned point. This weekend we went to fourth placed Forest Green and took all 3 points. As it stands we are 4 points behind 22nd place Morecambe but as they have a much better goal difference so we may as well be 5 points behind.

    We play our 6 fingered neighbors Mansfield next at home. They are in second place, enjoying life back in the Football League after several seasons in the National League.

    In a non pro/rel system we'd be putting out a bunch of teenagers now, preparing for next season. As exciting as a relegation battle maybe, Notts fans are looking at Bury's possible liquidation as a means of salvation. It doesn't matter how you stay up, as long as you stay up.

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