
Mar 19, 2002
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Jan 25, 1902 (Age: 122)
Washington, NC

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Bill Archer

Bill Archer

BigSoccer Supporter, 122, from Washington, NC

    1. Arthur_Maggot
      Do you still do your blog on bigsoccer, used to love reading it a few years back but can’t find it now
      1. C-bus repped this.
      2. C-bus
        Same question. Where is Bill Archer? I walked away from MLS and all the idiots on the internet in 2020. Came back here to see if anyone's still around.
        Jan 23, 2023
    2. TOAzer
      In the past few years & months, it seems we're in the Twilight Zone. I miss simply having a free discussion, one where disagreement does not mark you as a candidate for extirpation. I miss entering a discussion on these boards and seeing an unashamed, unpoliticized, discussion about Soccer. You write as if all that is still possible, a& I thank you for that.
    3. jack sticker
      jack sticker
      So your saying if we can add time to the day you will podcast?
    4. Bill Archer
    5. jack sticker
      jack sticker
      What would it take to get you to start a pod cast.
    6. DonJuego
      May I please ask what is the WWII series to which you refer? I myself am having my mind blown by Max Hastings Inferno, The World at War 1939-1945.
    7. Bill Archer
      Bill Archer
      I'm still enthralled with Carlos Metadieri. I'm enough of a kid that the fact that he and I are facebook "friends" still tickles me.
    8. Mateofelipe
      My favorite Rochester Lancers reference is actually Laurie Abrahams. I rather remember hearing radio descriptions of him demolishing the Striker defense. The actual record is short and tenuous. but that is what I hear in my head.
    9. Mateofelipe
      Hiya Bill. You behaved yourself when it would have been funnier if you didn't, and you raised good points in your recent blog. I kinda missed the party. But I guess I don't like saying, "even though this is a topic where I have some, you know, knowledge, unlike most of the time, my best answer is 'I don't know, but good question.'"
      1. Bill Archer
        Bill Archer
        I have to say that this is one of those times when I'm not exactly sure HOW I feel about it. And I really didn't think I was coming down hard on either side of the question, just pointing out some inconsistencies, for which I thought being called a misogynist and anti-woman was a bit overboard.

        And your particular expertise would have been greatly appreciated. Then again, it always is.
        Sep 23, 2014
      2. Bill Archer
        Bill Archer
        (Which is not to say that I don't think Hope is a train wreck. That much seems pretty clear)
        Sep 23, 2014
    10. shinpath
      This picture appeared yesterday - taken at Tea Party Rally at DC WWII monument and the WH.
      The man has his 1st amendment rights, of course.
      I'm an American historian so I don't mind the Don't Tread on Me flags at USMNT matches.
      But I worry if this is a trend, your thoughts?
    11. patricksp
    12. Crimen y Castigo
      Crimen y Castigo
      Apologies. That was a complete accident and entirely my fault.
      I have received many requests in that thread over the weeks to simply move posts that folks think are book-based spoilers. I treated yours the same as all the others -- except for the giant mistake of posting them to the same forum (as opposed to the non-public "recycle bin" forum).
      I did that hours ago and just now noticed and tried to move the new thread immediately. And THEN I screwed that up and left it as an "expiring delete" meaning the remnants of the bad thread I created is still visible for some time. I'm apparently really tired.

      The thread title "spoilers" was just typed in because there has to be a thread title when I make those moves. It's just perfunctory, and I'm glad it wasn't my usual titles of "crap" or "whatever." Because, again, it was not intended for public viewing.

      I've done this for years, but that's the first time I've made that mistake.

      cj herrera
    13. dredgfan

      Sorry if I got Wahl up in arms. He still avoided he quesiton of why the 'media' ignores such stories. You'd think the larger audience afforded SI would be interested.
    14. rct2009
    15. alexspepa
      Bill re the caution for a handball:

      actually - here is the specific lotg that refers to cautioning for a handball:

      Disciplinary sanctions
      There are circumstances when a caution for unsporting behavior is required when a player deliberately handles the ball, e.g. when a player:

      •deliberately and blatantly handles the ball to prevent an opponent gaining possession
      •attempts to score a goal by deliberately handling the ball

      pretty clear that the first is what happened, and she should have been cautioned.
    16. The Brando
      The Brando
      Can't wait to read your upcoming article on the CFU's allegations against Chuck Blazer for being "racist!" It really just writes itself these days, doesn't it?
    17. unholyunion
      Just want to say thanks for the constant updates.
    18. kool-aide
    19. ferrari77
    20. dredgfan
      Your welcome, but which comment? I do stand up and write op/eds in real life. Maybe I drunkenly posted something that has legs.

      (The better half is usually just that, better. My gf likes my play of "The good things don't come easy my ass, I come real easy. And I'm doing pretty good.)
    21. dredgfan
      not sure why I got 18 haha's from the great Bill Archer, but my appreciations. Love the work.
    22. Chiquitibum
      hey why ban me from your blog? cuz u cant handle the truf. jajaja
    23. Grant Wahl
      Grant Wahl
      Hi Bill, would look forward to speaking with you. I'll give you my cell number if you contact me at Thanks! GW
    24. cwilke1
      Hey - On your blog post that was posted today about bin Hammam's pending candidacy, you misspelled the phrase "mortal fear" in your post. You actually typed - "mortal far" without the e.
    25. eyeprose
      Bill, this is truly excellent work. I greatly appreciate what you are doing here. How can you get this into the public conciousness? Are there any indications in other football regions that what has taken place in Europe is spreading? Please keep this going with updates! Thanks, great news. True news.
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  • About

    Jan 25, 1902 (Age: 122)
    Washington, NC
    First Name:
    Columbus Crew
    United States - Major League Soccer
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Do you play soccer:
    Position you play:
    I like to watch


    Mar 19, 2002
    Rep Received:
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    "In silence this man mourns injustice and savors the candies of pain. This profession has its gray clouds. Nagbe is a sun. If I ever have grandchildren, when they ask me about soccer in the United States I will tell them that I played with Darlington Nagbe...

    Diego Valeri