Team band?

Discussion in 'Houston Dynamo' started by newtex, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. nobius

    nobius BigSoccer Supporter

    Jan 3, 2006
    Houston, Texas
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Boy it's hard finding lyrics to songs that aren't in your language! :) It was on a Playboy Playmate's site of all places. The things I do for you guys ;) The part in red is the chorus, so that's what we'd probably be singing, but I included everything for completeness.

    "Cielito Lindo"

    From Stacey Tipton's "Musical Spanish":

    "Cielito Lindo"is a traditional Mexican ballad sung to a woman affectionately called "beautiful little sky." Most people have heard at least the "ay ay ay ay" part, which can be sung or howled (or both) and is characteristic of a style of Mexican music called música ranchera. The first line as it is written in Spanish, the second lines show how to pronounce. And the thrid lines show the meaning in English.

    ay ay ay ay canta y no llores
    ay yay yay yay KAHN-tah ee noh YOH-rays
    ay yay yay yay,sing and don 't cry

    porque cantando se aprende
    POHR-kay kahn-TAHN-doh say ah-PREHN-day
    because singing you learm

    cielito lindo a cantarlo todo
    syeh-LEE-toh LEEN-doh ah kahn-TAHR-loh TOH-doh
    beautiful little sky,to sing it all

    un estudiante nuevo Cielito Lindo
    oon eh-stoo-DYAHN-tay NWEH-voh syeh-LEE-toh LEEN-doh
    a new student,beautiful little sky

    va a la escuela
    vah ah lah ehs-KWEH-lah
    goes to school

    y cuando llega a clase Cielito Lindo
    ee KWAHN-doh YAY-gah ah KLAH-say
    and when he arrives to school,beautiful little sky

    está su abuela
    eh-STAH soo ah-BWEH-lah
    his grandmother is there

    ay ay ay ay canta y no llores
    ay yay yay yay KAHN-tah ee noh YOH-rays
    ay yay yay yay,sing and don 't cry

    porque hablando se aprende
    POHR-kay ah-BLAHN-doh say ah-PREHN-day
    because speaking you learn

    cielito lindo a decirlo todo
    syeh-LEE-toh LEEN-doh ah deh-SEER-loh TOH-doh
    beautiful little sky,to say it all

    quién es ese estudiante Cielito Lindo
    kyehn ehs EH-say ehs-too-DYAHN-tay
    who is that student,beautiful little sky?

    que canta tan fuerte
    kay KAHN-tah tahn FWEHR-tay
    that sings so loud

    cuando canta su parte Cielito Lindo
    KWAHN-doh KAHN-tah soo PAHR-tay
    when he sings his part,beautiful little sky

    me escapo qué suerte
    may eh-SKAH-poh kay SWEHR-tay
    I escape,what luck!

    ay ay ay ay canta y no llores
    ay yay yay yay KAHN-tah ee noh YOH-rays
    ay yay yay yay,sing and don 't cry

    porque cantando se aprende
    POHR-kay kahn-TAHN-doh say ah-PREHN-day
    because singing you learn

    cielito lindo a cantarlo todo
    syeh-LEE-toh LEEN-doh ah kahn-TAHR-loh TOH-doh
    beautiful little sky,to sing it all

    dónde está mi cuaderno Cielito Lindo
    DOHN-day eh-STAH mee kwah-DEHR-noh
    where is my notebook,beautiful little sky

    yo lo necesito
    yo loh neh-seh-SEE-toh
    I need it

    cuando repruebo un examen Cielito Lindo
    KWAHN-doh reh-PRWEH-boh oon ek-SAH-mehn
    when I flunk an exam,beautiful little sky

    me llaman tontito
    may YAH-mahn tohn-TEE-toh
    they call me dumbell

    ay ay ay ay canta y no llores
    ay yay yay yay KAHN-tah ee noh YOH-rays
    ay yay yay yay, sing and don 't cry

    porque hablando se aprende
    POHR-kay ah-BLAHN-doh say ah-PREHN-day
    because speaking you learn

    cielito lindo a cantarlo todo
    syeh-LEE-toh LEEN-doh ah kahn-TAHR-loh TOH-doh
    beautiful little sky, to sing it all
  2. yanks02

    yanks02 New Member

    Mar 19, 2002
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Somebody stole my sombrero.
  3. zolafan

    zolafan Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Houston, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

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