Robert Cullen - Northern Ireland Eligible?

Discussion in 'Other Countries' started by nordirland, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. nordirland

    nordirland New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Manchester United FC

    VVV-Venlo has four players indicated that they do not have to count on a new contract. Niels Fleuren and Marcel Seip do have an offer received from the Limburg.

    The German goalkeeper Niclas Heimann and Robin Udegbe could an option in their contracts a year longer be saved, but VVV has said do not use it. Also, Robert Cullen and Jeffrey Leiwakabessy been told that their expiring contract is not renewed.

    Brighten and Seip (fot0) can be prolong their stay in Venlo. They still consider the proposal that VVV did. Already made ​​the number seventeen in the Eredivisie known that the option in the contract with Quin Kruijsen lifted, while Ferry de Regt on a free transfer switch to Helmond Sport.

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