Cobreloa 2012 (R)

Discussion in 'Chile' started by JAIME CHILE, Jan 2, 2012.

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    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Yes, but I'm not talking about how are called or regarded these chilean fans, or their nicknames, but how the "porompompom porompompom, el que no salta es un .......... mar...ón" song goes.;)

    Sometimes we sing to these fans "aaaaa-gricultoreeees", or the funny shout "1-2-3: Uyuuuuuy!!" (LOL).

    We never sing in a match against Ñublense "el que no salta es un diablo rojo mar.....ón". It doesn't work for the song. We use the word "huaso" against Ñublenses, Ohigginianos, Caleranos, Rangerinos, Sanfelipeños, etc.

    Central and southern club fans call us "bolivianos", which is funny actually.:D
  2. HeartandSoul

    HeartandSoul Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    The Garden State
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    When watching videos I've seen guys in Calama that look just like Evo Morales. :D

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    When I'm in the mono-mental stadium I've seen thousands of guys like Huaiquipán and Kalule:eek: ...and most of them with the "sopaipilla" haircut.:D

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Cobreloa recibirá a Alianza Lima en el marco de la "Noche Naranja"

    Nelson Acosta alineará en la oncena titular a algunos de los refuerzos del cuadro calameño.

    Este jueves los hinchas loínos podrán conocer todas las adquisiciones que realizó Cobreloa de cara a la temporada 2012, con la realización de la "Noche Naranja" en el Estadio Municipal de Calama, que comenzará a las 19:00 horas (22:00 GMT) y que una hora más tarde tendrá como cierre de fiesta el partido amistoso ante el conjunto de Alianza Lima.


    Pese a que el técnico Nelson Acosta aún no da por cerradas las contrataciones, pues espera a un delantero o un volante de salida por la derecha, en la jornada se presentará al portero José Acevedo, los defensas Felipe Muñoz y Juan Abarca, el volante Sebastián Villegas y los delanteros Cristián Canío, Gerson Martínez, Felipe Flores y Cristián Milla (el otro es el delantero Emerson Jorquera, goleador de Barnechea).;)

    En la ocasión, los loínos también aprovecharán de ver al ariete de Alianza, Cristofer Soto, que junto al delantero paraguayo Manuel Maciel es una de las alternativas que se manejan para completar la nómina de los naranjas para el torneo de Apertura.

    Para el duelo ante la escuadra peruana, Acosta delineó una formación titular, donde figuran algunos de los refuerzos, pues la oncena que pararía sería con
    Luciano Palos(ARG);
    Felipe Muñoz, Felipe Rojas, Cristián Suárez, Andrés Oroz;
    Alexander Corro(ARG), Bryan Cortés,
    Cristián Canío, Hugo Lusardi(PAR);
    Cristián Milla(ARG) y Diego Barrios(PAR)

    Mientras que en Alianza se anuncia el posible debut de Fernando Meneses(ex-Cobreloa 2007), novedades que podrá seguir a través del Marcador Virtual de


    Seguramente Sebastián Roco y Pedro Vera jugarán en el 2º tiempo (no podrán jugar ante U.La Calera por acumulación de amarillas, al igual que Cristián Milla). Me imagino que Sebastián Contreras, Miguel Sanhueza, Rodolfo González, Carlos Gómez, Boris González, Cristián Rojas, Sebastián Zúñiga, Felipe Flores y Gerson Martínez también jugarán en el 2º tiempo.
  5. Rickdog

    Rickdog Member+

    Jun 16, 2010
    Santiago, Chile
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    :D, Exactly.

    Fortunately this time, the other issue that also characterizes "us" chileans, is that despite it is meant as an offense, it has lots of humour within it, "segregationistically" speaking that is :)p), specially by whom created the songs or "shouts" we use against each other.
    Of course no one will create a song to cheer for an opponent, they are all meant to harm. But that`s another issue. Actually everyone in the world does it.......

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Amen. It's our football "culture", our football folklore.:D


    COBRELOA 0 Alianza de Lima(Perú) 2

    Se jugó ante casi 4.000 personas.
    Felipe Muñoz vio el partido desde el block 1.

    La formación inicial fue con:

    Luciano Palos(ARG);
    Carlos Gómez, Sebastián Roco, Cristián Suárez, Andrés Oroz;
    Pedro Vera(PAR),
    Cristián Rojas, Hugo Lusardi(PAR),
    Cristián Canío;
    Cristián Milla(ARG), Diego Barrios(PAR).
    DT: Nelson Acosta.


    COBRELOA arrancó mejor, presionando, dominando y llegando. Al minuto intentó Canío, a los 2 minutos Lusardi tiró desviado y a los 5 C.Rojas tiró desviado también. Tras un tiro de Lusardi atajado por Rivera a los 14, vino el contragolpe limeño, C.Rojas no pudo despejar de cabeza, sí Palos, presionó Cristofer Soto a C.Rojas quien cometió autogol a los 15.:(
    De ahí en adelante Canío y Gómez comenzaron a caer en off sides. A los 29 tiró Milla elevado.
    En la 3ra llegada peruana vino el gol de Curiel a los 34 minutos, quien cabeceó sólo ante la nula marca de Roco.
    Canío intentó a los 36, pero el balón se fue desviado.
    Después hubo incidentes entre Barrios y los jugadores visitantes, y el paraguayo recibió amarilla.
    A los 39 corner de Lusardi y Roco cabeceó elevado.
    El 1er tiempo terminó con Suárez y Lusardi contundidos en sus tobillos.

    En el 2do tiempo, ya con mucho frío en Calama por el invierno altiplánico, cambió el sistema (3-5-2), entraron Sebastián Villegas(por Oroz), Bryan Cortés(por Gómez) y Felipe Flores(por Barrios) pero COBRELOA perdió ataque.
    A los 57 Flores tiró pero Rivera estuvo bien, y a los 61 Milla intentó de tiro libre, pero la tiró desviada.
    A los 63 más cambios en COBRELOA: Juan Abarca(por Vera), Sebastián Zúñiga(por Lusardi lesionado) y Álvaro López(por Canío lesionado). Zúñiga fue el más incisivo de ahí en adelante.
    A los 71 Alexander Corro(por C.Rojas) volvió a jugar por COBRELOA después de 10 meses por la grave lesión sufrida en marzo ante colocolo en Macul.
    A los 79 Felipe Rojas(por Suárez).
    A los 83 Milla tuvo una clara, pero el balón dio por fuera del arco.
    A los 87 vino la mejor jugada de COBRELOA: Bryan Cortés desbordó por izquierda dejando rivales en el camino, Flores se resbaló y Corro le pegó de primera, pero el balón se fue desviado por poco.
    A los 92 un tiro libre de Cortés se fue desviado también.

    Algunos jugadores como Abarca no habían tocado el balón en los pocos días que llevan en Calama. La mayoría aún están "duros" tras la pretemporada, así que no es para caer en críticas. El equipo en el 1er tiempo jugó bien y atacó en forma intensa. Falta mejorar aspectos defensivos y obviamente lo más importante que es hacer goles.

    Lo peor de la noche: las medias blancas (!!!) y las lesiones de Canío y Lusardi.

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    El capitán Sebastián Roco le entregó al capitán peruano un casco de cobre conmemorativo antes del amistoso de hoy:


    Cristián "chapa" Rojas presionado por un jugador peruano:


    Cristián "moai" Suárez y Carlos "Puyol" Gómez marcando a un jugador peruano:

  8. Rickdog

    Rickdog Member+

    Jun 16, 2010
    Santiago, Chile
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    Parece que fué Noche ALBI-VERDE despues de todo......

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Al menos nosotros no perdimos contra un equipo de 2da división como "otros":rolleyes::D:p
  10. Rickdog

    Rickdog Member+

    Jun 16, 2010
    Santiago, Chile
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    Pero en nuestra "noche", no hacemos el ridículo ante nuestros propios hinchas y no nos dejamos perder ante nuestros "hermanos" Aliancistas, que a uds. les ganó y que a su vez les empató a los chunchos, en su respectiva "noche".
    Nosotros si ganamos contra ellos mismos.

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Nosotros no hacemos el ridículo ante nuestros propios hinchas en SEMIFINALES DE PLAY-OFF ni quedamos fuera de ambas copas internacionales.:p
  12. Rickdog

    Rickdog Member+

    Jun 16, 2010
    Santiago, Chile
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    Seguro ahora dirás que ganaron ambos partidos, cuando lo cierto es que desde semifinales, no ganaron ni un solo partido jugando de local. En todo caso este fué solo un torneo y nada más. De hecho para el de apertura, uds. casi salen últimos, mientras nosotros igual estuvimos en cuartos de final, y si no es que por que los buitres ganaron la sudamericacana, uds. no estarían en la sudamericacana este año tampoco (al igual que nosotros).

    Dicho sea de paso, el año pasado en vuestra casa, nosotros fuimos muy regulares, ganamos las dos veces que jugamos ahí. Tras este último resultado, en donde Alianza jugó predominantemente de blanco, parece que vestir de blanco manda en Calama.......:p
  13. HeartandSoul

    HeartandSoul Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    The Garden State
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    Tengo entendido que Alianza jugo con muchos reservas el partido en Calama ya que muchos de los titulares se fueron a Lima despues del partido contra el Colo-Colo.
  14. Rickdog

    Rickdog Member+

    Jun 16, 2010
    Santiago, Chile
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    Es que de seguro sabían que cuando los "camellos" del Loa, vieran el blanco de sus camisetas aliancistas, igual se iban a cagar de miedo, por lo que bastaba con colocarles puros suplentes como rivales, de seguro que hasta el aguatero pensó que podía jugar en el partido.
  15. Rickdog

    Rickdog Member+

    Jun 16, 2010
    Santiago, Chile
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    mí error, :eek:, en realidad empataron con Nacional (Uruguay), no contra Alianza
    de Lima.

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    ¿preocupados del rendimiento de SU PAPÁ, hijos?:D:cool:

    Uds. tranquilos, le ganaron a un equipo de 2da división con 2 penales y un autogol, después perdieron con otro equipo de 2da división, después perdieron a penales con el equipo más malo de 1ra división, y ahora porque le ganaron al "todopoderoso" Alianza se creen buenos...jajajaj!

    Nosotros recién hemos jugado 1 amistoso, hicimos 9 cambios, y lo que menos nos interesa es el resultado. Lo importante para nosotros era que el equipo jugara antes del debut. Y sólo jugaron la mitad de los que llegaron.

    Lamentablemente nosotros tuvimos menos tiempo que uds. para hacer la pretemporada debido a que nosotros SÍ llegamos a la Final (uds. no llegaron a ninguna el año pasado). Para perder las finales hay que llegar a ellas. Uds. no perdieron ninguna Final, porque ni siquiera llegaron.:D
  17. Herzeg-Croat

    Herzeg-Croat Red Card

    Jan 16, 2012
    Nat'l Team:
    How does Cobreloa looks now, after this defeat against Alianza Lima? Do you think that Cobreloa would have problems in upcoming season? Like Rickdog said, noche de albi verde.:rolleyes:

    This is only preparation match, it doesnt mean a lot?

    In handball Croatia won the third place (bronze medal only). Croatia lost against Serbia in semifinals in a very rood, filled with insults. Organisation of whole championship in Serbia was bad. Day after this attack with axes against Croats, two cars were burned infront of one hotel, they had Croatian registration plates. One of them didnt came because of handball, he came because of business.

    Also there was a nice push up for Serbian team against everyone almost. But they lost against Denmark in finals.

    [ame=""]Serbia 19:21 Denmark FINAL (last minutes) - YouTube[/ame]

    Semifinals: Croatia - Serbia (national anthems), hosts were very angry on our anthem.

    [ame=""]Srbija - Hrvatska 26:22 [Intoniranje Himni] - YouTube[/ame]

    Insane atmosphere filled with hatred.

    Last three minutes.

    [ame=""]Srbija - Hrvatska 26:22, poslednja 3 minuta - HRVATSKI KOMENTATOR - YouTube[/ame]
    They used longer attackes.

    [ame=""]Srbija Hrvatska rukomet 2012, Pakao Arene! - YouTube[/ame]

    Every third word was: kill, slaughter Ustase (Croats) or Albanians. Title is the Hell of Arena.

    [ame=""]Srbija - Hrvatska 26:22 / Zasto cutite picke ustaske? Rukomet EP 27.01.2012. - YouTube[/ame]

    Zasto cutite picke ustaske? (eng. Why are you in silence Ustase p.ussies?)

    Croatian fans in Arena:
    [ame=""]MONDO: Hrvatski navijaci ulaze u Arenu - YouTube[/ame]

    Eight buses and two vans were returned back from the Serbian border, event hough they had tickets and vouchers. Serbian reporter asked: Is there any problems?:D

    Serbian media told false informations that fans of Croatian clubs Dinamo and Hajduk were in conflict, but whole Croatia was united in this match. They were brave and they came there.

    [ame=""]MONDO: "Hrvatski policajci da se ugledaju na srpske" - YouTube[/ame]

    5000 Serbian police officers just for 250 Croatian fans in Arena. Serbian fans tried to enter in this part.

    Serbian fans hited our team doctor with bottle of water. Also they hited their own player by accident and he finished in hospital: Zarko Sesum.:D

    After these incidents in Serbia, Croats attacked Serbian national council in Croatia, Orthodox Church in Dubrovnik, several widows were broken and several persons were hited. Insane from both sides, but they started first.

    Denmark is European Champion, Serbia second, Croatia won against Spain for bronze medal. Proof that referees robbed us earlier against Spain.

    They used also Chetnik caps after winning silver medal. These caps are called Sajkace:

    Also they use these caps for annual gatherings in Serbia:


    This player was injured from his own fans.

    Something about Chetniks and their flag:

    They had equalised this Chetnik movement with antifascism.:D So insane.

    I am glad that this championship finished. Bronze medal is a good result, when you consider that every host must enter at least in semifinals. Croatia won 10 medals and three fourth places. This means 13 semifinals, but in these three matches for bronze medal we lost motivation. Now we had motivation.

    Serbia handball team:

    Before two years they were on the 13 place with the same players and now they are second. I predict that they wont achieve good results in the future. For example Sweden was the host of last World Cup and they finished on the third place, now they dont have good result.

    Next year is World Cup in Spain. (January), but first Summer Olympics and European Champions League (Clubs). Zagreb is going further. Barcelona Intersport plays in Zagreb group. Zagreb lost with one goal difference in Zagreb, now they must play in Barcelona. Serbian clubs arent in Champions League.

    EHF Champions League:

    Barcelona is the best club ever, Zagreb is on sixth place.

    2012 Season:–12_EHF_Champions_League

    Partizan has seven defeats, Zagreb has six victories and one defeat against Barcelona.–12_EHF_Champions_League_group_stage

    Its weird how one national team can create "good" national team for this EURO with bad clubs. On 18.2. Zagreb is going in Barcelona. Serbs also said: One idiot took our gold. They blame also this Serbia fan who hited their own player.

    Photo after match against Spain (31-27 for Croatia). Flag: PROUD TO BE CROAT.


    In waterpolo Croatia finished on 9th place, Serbs won the gold medal, Montenegrins are second, third is Hungary and Italy was fourth. Serbs almost lost against Montenegrins, before they let them one victory so that they can kick Croats. Croatia lost motivation completely and 9th place is the worse result on Euros.'s_European_Water_Polo_Championship

    Not very good results. Novak Djokovic has won Australian Open against Rafael Nadal. This match durated six hours. Now Serbs are trying to demonstrate that they are better than Croats in every sport. They dont calculate that Croats change generations sometimes. They are so complexed with our results, they are saying now: You will see also in football for World Cup in Brazil. Sure, after we come back from EURO.:D

    Croatia is host of EURO in FUTSAL. Croatia entered as host. Dont know anything about this sports. Spain is the best team probably.

    Spain is really the best team here.

    Croatia is bad here. But we are on 13 place by FIFA Ranking.

    This is new sport, only 20 years since the first World Cup and around 15 years since the first EURO.

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    This friendly match doesn't mean anything in terms of predicting our future in the Apertura championship.
    It was the 1rst match after holidays and preseason, so many players were not fit at all. For example, Juan Abarca(ex-Universidad de Chile) arrived to Calama monday 23rd, he did some physical training (without ball), and he played only few minutes because he had never touch a ball during his 3 days in Calama. Our coach made 9 substitutions also. So it wasn't not a serious game.

    The real games will start next sunday, against Unión La Calera at Calama.

    Roco, Vera and Milla won't play, but we're the favourites to win though.

    Very bad atmosphere for Croats in Serbia.:rolleyes: Typical derby.
  19. Herzeg-Croat

    Herzeg-Croat Red Card

    Jan 16, 2012
    Nat'l Team:
    I saw this fixtures, no result between Cobreloa and U. de Chile.:D Transfered for Sunday.

    Now Acosta needs to arrange homogene team. A lot of new players.

    This wasnt typical derby. This was pure hatred. Presidents of European and International handball Federation could not beleive what bad atmosphere was created during this match. In handball you cant see these things, different audience from football fans. Serbian fans here are football fans. Probably they dont know the rules correctly like some number of Croats.:D

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
  21. Herzeg-Croat

    Herzeg-Croat Red Card

    Jan 16, 2012
    Nat'l Team:
    But they had results from the rest of matches. Other clubs started earlier?

    In Croatia is now UEFA FUTSAL 2012. Croatia played yesterday against Romania and Croatia has won 2-1.:) This sport is more dramatic than attractive. When Romania received the second goal, they pulled out their GK and they played with one player more. This was in last six minutes, very dramatic, they passed around and any moment they could shoot.:eek: But Croatia defended very well.

    [ame=""]EURO Futsal Croatia 2012: Croatia - Romania 2:1 31/01/2012 - YouTube[/ame]

    Next match is against Czech Republic on Saturday. It's strange that Futsal players have more days of break. In waterpolo, handball there is just one day. Injuries are much harder, more contact. But Futsal is good to watch. Croatia has very young team, a lot of preparations because they are hosts.

    Also, Croatia had problems in recent qualifications. Once Croatia played against very strong opponent. Dont know who were they. Second time referees robbed Croatia and thrid time Ukraine and Azerbaijan fixed one match so that they go further on World Cup in Thailand. To bad. Smaller countries arent popular.

    Strongest teams in Europe are Spain, Portugal, Italy and Russia. In South America Brazil, maybe Argentina, don't know. But I know that Paraguay has won some World Cup's.

    Spain won against Slovenia 4-2. Croatia must win against Czech Republic so that they avoid Spain, who will won their group.

    Something about Futsal:

    Futbol de sala. Sala is in Croatian language also. It means hall. But in grammatical order it's dvorana. Sala is also popular word.

    Futsal Arena in Japan:


    Group 5 for World Cup in Thailand. Ukraine and Azerbaijan tricked us.:(

    Croatia won against Azerbaijan 1-3. It would be more fair that we play in Thailand. Ukraine lost with intention against Azerbaijan 2-4.:( These qualifications were held in Baku, Azerbaijan. This World Cup is in November.

    Fans of Croatia aren't football fans like in normal football. They support great, but it's different. I didn't knew any Croatian player until yesterday.

    Futsal in Croatia:

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Yes, the Apertura championship started last friday (except COBRELOA and Chile -the finalists of the Clausura- because we player our last match on December 29th):

    Paraguay had never won a futsal WC. Only Brazil and Spain. In Chile this sport is not massive, and it's not well organizated, because the futsal championship is new and has basically clubs from Valparaíso and Santiago, it's not a "national" championship.
    Southamerican qualifications will be held in Brazil, in april.

    Nice pic.

    3 weeks ago I watched 2 "fútbol calle"(street football) friendly matches that was played on a warship in Valparaíso. They're tring to promotion the Homeless WC 2014. Chile wants to be the host. 30 balls went directly to the sea (LOL!)

    49 pics:

    Nelson Tapia (Cobreloa 2003-04 and NT 1996-2005 former goalkeer)
  23. Herzeg-Croat

    Herzeg-Croat Red Card

    Jan 16, 2012
    Nat'l Team:
    Paraguay hasn't won the offical Futsal tournament, but they won the first South American title in 1964.:rolleyes: Not long ago.:D

    Don't understand this organisation: FIFUSA/AMF Futsal World Cup. But FIFA, UEFA accepts only this form that is played in Croatia.

    I have read that there was a lot of improvisations in competitions during history.

    In Croatia it was organized good at the end of 90's and after that, there were some problems, also these cases of bad referees, conspiracy (Ukraine, Azerbaijan match).

    It's not so interesting to watch like reporters say. This official Futsal has 4 players + goalkeeper I think, and in Croatia is very popular system with five players + goalkeeper.

    Is Chile going to play in these qualifications in Brazil?

    It's interesting to say, that Germany, France, England, Scandinavians don't have good teams. Only Italy, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Russia are good in Europe. Croatia is considered now as potential suprprise.

    Romania played yesterday with Spanish coach, who implemented Spanish style of constant pressure, good ball control. But Croatia had individual quality, more than team quality. Team is very young. Coach is Mato Stankovic. Croatian coach, even though he has Stankovic surname. His name is Croatian.

    Futsal club from Zagreb is: Nacional Zagreb. Never heard about him.

    Split is better, has more clubs. Because of this Croatian NT started to play in Split against Romania and against Czech Republic they will play in Split.

    There is a lot manipuplations with betting in this sport probably, because palyer salaries aren't so big like in football.

    Croatia national futsal team:

    These reuslts could be much better, if they organised this on higher level.:rolleyes: I remember this World Cup in Guatemala 2000.

    Croatia won against Australia and Costa Rica, lost against Russia. In the second round Spain and Portugal were very strong. We won only against Netherlands 5-2.

    On two EURO's in which Croatia participated, they were third in their groups with one victory and two defeats (1999, 2001).

    We didn't had to much luck, for example qualifications for EURO 2010. We were second, behind Czech Republic. We can revenge now on Saturday.:)

    Croatia won Mediterranean Games in 2010. Weird teams.:D

    Hoping to see good result in 2012.:D

    Street football also exist.:eek: So many types of organisation. To bad because of the balls that went in ocean. This photo from Japan looks great.

    Photos 4, 5, it goes 4, 3, than 5. Photos 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 24, 23, 25, 30, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46 (ball wents in the ocean), 48 look great.


    This match was on the battle ship?:D They had clouds and sun.

    Before players from football came in futsal. Now it's much different. Advantages of futsal: not many fouls, because if one team accumulates five fouls, opponent team gets free kick from 10 meters. They don't steal time, like in football. But fans are much calmer, something like in handball.

    Bad thing is that they use unlimited substitutes, you can't follow new players.

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Yes, in april. I don't know the groups yet.

    Yes, on a warship called "Almirante Montt", in Valparaíso.
    In the Valparaíso coast it's the normal weather in summer: cloudy, wet and chilly in the morning until midday, and sunny and windy after midday.

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Nelson Acosta said today that no more players will arrive, because Javier Maureira -the president- said to him that the current squad is 40% more expensive than the 2011 squad.:eek::confused:

    It's hard to believe in this, because many new players came from 2nd division clubs (even 3rd division, in the case of Jorquera).

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