News: Ambassador to Libya assassinated; 4 total dead

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Macsen, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Macsen

    Macsen Moderator
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    Nov 5, 2007
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    A story that largely flew under the radar yesterday was about attacks on the U.S. embassies in Egypt and Libya by mobs of radical Islamists.

    In Egypt, they occupied the embassy, and tore down and tore up the American flag, flying a black Islamist flag in its place. In Libya, it was reported initially that they burned the embassy down, with reports of one American killed.

    Late last night, the AP reported that FOUR Americans were killed. Including our Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. Also, the attack was by a rocket, not simple arson.

    It should be noted that under the Vienna Convention, embassies are considered foreign soil, and ambassadors are to be protected wherever they are endorsed to represent.
  2. purojogo

    purojogo Member

    Sep 23, 2001
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    just heard about this on MSNBC.... this happened (and what occurred in Egypt) over a mothereffin' amateur movie....WTF is wrong with these a-holes??!?!!
  3. NC Soccer United

    NC Soccer United BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jan 25, 2011
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Arab Spring my ass.
    Beerking repped this.
  4. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Here's the POS movie that set them off

  5. ottawasportsfan

    Mar 18, 2005
    Is the movie a bit much that might be but that is no reason to do what they did.
  6. NC Soccer United

    NC Soccer United BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jan 25, 2011
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    But let's kill over a movie? All they are doing is reinforcing the stereotype that they are still a bunch of animals over there.
  7. The Devil's Architect

    Feb 10, 2000
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    Time to shut down the internet.

    No internet, they don't find out about the movie
  8. mattteo

    mattteo Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    I hear the attack was organized and it was in retaliation for the death of a high-ranking Libyan Al Qaeda official. It's not about the movie.
    Beerking repped this.
  9. Matt in the Hat

    Matt in the Hat Moderator
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    If you actually think this about this crap film you are the woolliest sheep sheep in the herd.
    LongDuckDong, ElJefe and VFish repped this.
  10. raza_rebel

    raza_rebel Member+

    Dec 11, 2000
    Univ de Chile
    The sh*t is gonna hit the fan now.

    I watched about 40 seconds of that video. Who made this POS video? It looks like someone got a bunch of friends together to do it. Maybe it was my impatience but what does it have to do with storming the US Embassies?
  11. Beerking

    Beerking Member+

    Nov 14, 2000
    Humboldt County
    Two cases of of open aggression against the United States and both by countries obama openly supported, Egypt with verbal encouragement and acceptance and Libya with financial and military weaponry. Obama's incompetent international blundering killed our ambassador just as surly as the muslim terrorists he supported did.
    The media will try to deflect this in a different direction and oh look, they already have.
  12. Beerking

    Beerking Member+

    Nov 14, 2000
    Humboldt County
    This has nothing to do about a movie, it has everything to do about saving obama's ass.
  13. ElJefe

    ElJefe Moderator
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    The only thing I don't understand is why they even bothered with that POS as justification when there are so many classics they could've gone with. Hell, they could've gone with "This is OUR 9/11 remembrance, honkies."
    Matt in the Hat repped this.
  14. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    Nor was they fact that these coordinated attacks occurred on 9-11.
  15. Macsen

    Macsen Moderator
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    Then why are you here?

    The actual film this is about is a film called Innocence of Muslims, which explores historical connections between the prophet Muhammad and pedophilia, produced by American Israeli Sam Bacile. It featured a simulated sex scene. It was promoted by a dissident Egyptian Coptic, and I think that one douchebag minister in Florida linked to it as well.

    It hasn't actually been released yet, and was produced in English, intended for other audiences. But someone pirated a copy and dubbed it in Arabic. It's unknown if the dub is even faithful to the actual script.
  16. Matt in the Hat

    Matt in the Hat Moderator
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    Just like the amazingly coincidental African embassy bombings during the Clinton impeachment
  17. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    Apparently Libyan security told the mob were to find Ambassador Stevens:

    "Wanis al-Sharef, a Libyan Interior Ministry official in Benghazi, said the four Americans were killed when the angry mob, which gathered to protest a U.S.-made film that ridicules Islam's Prophet Muhammad, fired guns and burned down the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

    He said Stevens, 52, and other officials were moved to a second building - deemed safer - after the initial wave of protests at the consulate compound. According to al-Sharef, members of the Libyan security team seem to have indicated to the protesters the building to which the American officials had been relocated, and that building then came under attack."

    These people need to be brought to justice.
  18. NC Soccer United

    NC Soccer United BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jan 25, 2011
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Kinda funny that the Ambassador was heavily involved with the anti-Gadhafi forces in Bengazi during the uprising last year. Now those responsible, an offshoot of Al Qaeda, for the act are the ones that US were arming. This is exactly why we should have left Libya/ Gadhafi alone. But noooooo, we got the Bamster embracing Arab Spring like it is a period of enlightenment. Please, those who kill in the auspice of religion deserve no recognition whatsoever. I swear if we arm the Syrian rebels, we are basically arming Al Qaeda. If you don't think the Syrian uprising is not Al Qaeda, you are a moron.
  19. song219

    song219 BigSoccer Supporter

    Apr 5, 2004
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    At least you agree with the Iranians on one thing.
  20. Chris M.

    Chris M. Member+

    Jan 18, 2002
    Thanks Alonso.
  21. Matt in the Hat

    Matt in the Hat Moderator
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    Not really a Formula 1 guy, but thanks.
  22. Macsen

    Macsen Moderator
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    Al-Qaeda is involved in the Syrian uprising. But Libya and Egypt were the Muslim Brotherhood, a different but equally dangerous force. They were the ones who did the heavy lifting, and now allow AQ to operate with veritable impugnity.

    The thing is, the Muslim Bros. weren't able to take control of Libya. Their government was taken by more moderate forces. Not surprising, since Gaddafi actually already had Sharia in force during his rule.

    That, ironically, may be why people died in Libya, but not in Egypt. Those in power knew killing Americans would go too far (though how Obama would react remains to be seen), so they would likely have ordered those committing the raid not to bother the officials within. Without that control, they couldn't ensure that in Libya. A few sympathetic ears among the guards, and voila: four dead Americans.
  23. argentine soccer fan

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    Swell! Now thanks to you they are going to declare Jihad against BigSoccer. :D
  24. purojogo

    purojogo Member

    Sep 23, 2001
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    I'll Take Richard engel's word over what someone heard or what u and vfish think... And I do not think I am being naive despite the date on which these incidents happened.. The rumors supposedly spread among a very ignorant mob that this would be a Hollywood film or something like it from what i heard engel report from lybia
    ...supposedly basing all of these finding on what he got from he ground... Not solely on what US govt officials told him... Btw I love the already ongoing debasing of the president based on these ... Was Bush treated on such ways I wonder ... :rolleyes:
  25. ceezmad

    ceezmad Member+

    Mar 4, 2010
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    If this happened on Friday I could see that, but this happened on Sept 11. This has Al-Qaeda all over, Maybe they are the group that distributed the film and got people all hysterical on that day.

    But this is bigger than just the film.

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