BH Telecom Premier League, Cup & European Qualification General Discussion

Discussion in 'Bosnia & Herzegovina' started by Vitez, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. CipherComplex

    CipherComplex New Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Re: Premijer Liga

    Is this a good change or another guy with good connections. I hope one of you tells me that the Savez bullshit is over. PLEASE. :(
  2. Borac

    Borac Member

    Aug 8, 2011
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    So true. It always seems like the people responsible for the evil get away with it. RIP VEDRAN, your memory lives on with us.
  3. CipherComplex

    CipherComplex New Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Re: Premijer Liga

    Little article on the new coach of Borac.

    This guy seems pretty positive and says that Borac has all the right players, but the team is not producing results due to their way of thinking. He would like the team to extend his views beyond the pitch and focus more on his philosophy. He also stated that he knows most of the players from his last stint and his ambition is for the trophies to keep coming along with a European debut. The article also mentions that this guy was in charge of Borac when two years ago they mastered Celik with the goal from Nemanja Bilbije. So it looks like Borac is heading on the right track. His first game is up against Celik. ;)
  4. Borac

    Borac Member

    Aug 8, 2011
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Premijer Liga

    Commentary about the recent fan attacks in BiH:

  5. CipherComplex

    CipherComplex New Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Re: Premijer Liga

    That's a man I would vote for in Bosnia. I agree 100% with this man.
  6. Dizdar

    Dizdar Member

    Sep 9, 2011
    FK Zeljeznicar
    That is how our league functions unfortunately.

    Anyways, I'm kinda looking forward to the Hajduk match, should be good.

    Balakov: Zadovoljstvo je biti gost Željezničara


    Odmah po dolasku ekspedicija Hajduka u Sarajevo, splitski ''bili'' odražali su press konferenciju u hotelu Hollywood na Ilidži gdje su smješteni. Prisutnima su se obratili glavni trener Krasimir Balakov te fudbaleri Drago Gabrić i Dante Stipica.

    ''Majstori s mora'' u Sarajevu stigli u 18.30h, a ispred ilidžanskog hotela dočekala ih delegacija domaćina predvođena članom uprave našeg kluba Gradimirom Gojerom, te legendarnim fudbalerima Branimirom Jelušićem i Enverom Hadžiabdićem.

    ''Došli smo odigrati jednu utakmicu nakon koje će gledaoci otići zadovoljni kući. Sastaju se dvije ekipe koje znaju igrati fudbal i siguran sam da ćemo sutra napraviti jedan istinski spektakl, pravi praznik fudbala. Sutrašnju utakmicu želimo iskoristiti i kako bi korigovali pojedine stvari u kojima smo griješili, ali i probali neke nove varijante'', rekao je trener Balakov naglasivši da je njegovom klub velika čast biti dijelom proslave 90. rođendana Željezničara.

    Raspoloženi i sretni zbog dolaska u Sarajevo bili su i fudbaleri. S novinarima su družili Drago Gabrić i Dante Stipica.

    ''Nakon što sam preživio tu tešku saobraćajnu nesreću na ruci sam istetovirao stihove sarajevskog pjevača Kemala Montena ''vratio sam se živote'', tako da me posebno veseli činjenica što ću prve minute nakon nesreće odigrati baš u Sarajevu'', rekao je Gabrić.

    Drago mi je da sam dobio šansu braniti u ovakvoj utakmici. Treme nema, osim one pozitivne, velika je čast braniti pogotovo kada znam da su moji konkurenti za poziciju dva sjajna golmana koja nisu tu zbog reprezentativnih obaveza. Gledao sam sažetak posljednje utakmice Željezničara u kojoj su bez većih problema savladali Slobodu. Ipak, sutra ću se svojski, zajedno sa mojim kolegama potruditi da ostanem nesavladan'', rekao je mladi golman gostiju Dante Stipica.

    U toku sutrašnjeg dana upriličit će se zajednička šetnja gradom igrača oba tima, a utakmica će se igrati od 18.30h.
  7. Vitez

    Vitez Member+

    Jan 10, 2011
    FK Zeljeznicar
    Nat'l Team:
    Haos u Sarajevu, tuča navijača Želje i Hajduka


    Utakmica između Želje i Hajduka prema svemu sudeći neće se odigrati zbog ranije izazvanih navijačkih nereda koji su rezultirali velikom broju povrijeđenih....

    Do novih navijačkih ekcesa u Bosni i Hercegovini nije trebalo dugo čekati. Naime, nakon Banjaluke i Mostara sada su se navijački neredi proširili i na Sarajevo.

    Naime, večeras je trebala se igrati prijateljska utakmica između Željezničara i Hajduka, no odigravanje ove utakmice dovedeno je pod znak pitanja.

    Naime prema informacija do kojih smo došli prije nekoliko trenutaka nerede su izazvali Torcidaši iz okoline Sarajeva koji su probili na jug Grbavice te uništili koreografiju Manijaka. Bio je to povod za sukob, letjele su flaše, kamenje, uništen je veliki broj prevoznih sredstava dok su se čak čuli pucnji iz vatrenog oružja.
    Ima povrijeđenih, od kojih su neki zadobili povrede hladnim oružjem. objavio je nepotvrđenu infromaciju da je jedna osoba poginula. Informaciju o pogibiji jednog navijača objavio i, navodeći da se radi o "informacijama iz sarajevskog kluba".


    More fighting between team fans, this time Torcida vs. TM

    I can't believe it. What the hell is happening?
  8. Vitez

    Vitez Member+

    Jan 10, 2011
    FK Zeljeznicar
    Nat'l Team:

    It almost seems like theres an alliance or plan between different groups in BiH to disrupt harmony at a crucial time for our NT and country. Bastards.
  9. TheEuroStick

    TheEuroStick Member+

    Aug 8, 2011
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    of course there is there have been groups to destroy yugoslavia since the mid 70's you cant just invade a country end destroy it without a plan, the destruction of yugo was planned by morons and currently someone is implementing this destructive plan also
  10. Zeljo Fanatico

    Zeljo Fanatico Member+

    Aug 8, 2011
    Let's not be afraid to call them out. Serbs and Croats in Bosnia are trying their hardest to ruin our qualifying dreams in any way they can.
  11. CipherComplex

    CipherComplex New Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Lot of Bosnian muslims due the same. I know some balijas that still hate seeing a Zvjezdan,Ognjen,Zoran, and other names that aren't muslim sounding in the Bosnian NT. I guess we should try getting more Arabs to switch nationalities. lol
  12. DinoMostarac

    DinoMostarac Member+

    Aug 16, 2011
    FK Velez
    Not necessarily, religion does not outline nationality/ethnicity. How many Russians or Greeks play for the Serbian NT? How many Italians or Irishmen play for Croatia?

    I'm sad to hear that there was a scrimmage between Torcida and the Maniacs, you'd think both the Croats and the Bosniaks would be over that by now.

    One thing I'm dissapointed about though, is that the Maniacs couldn't defend their city. I mean, the Hajduk fans were travelling away and were in much smaller numbers, you can't allow them to trash your city like that.

    Could you imagine what would happen to Zeljo fans had they attempted the same shit in Split? Vedran Puljic x 10.
  13. Vitez

    Vitez Member+

    Jan 10, 2011
    FK Zeljeznicar
    Nat'l Team:
    I heard that those weren't actually Torcida fans but Siroki, and Svinjski fans disguised to cause trouble. Seems believable, they would do that.
  14. miske10

    miske10 Member

    Nov 24, 2010
    FK Sarajevo
    Re: Premijer Liga

    Cvetković: Šipovac je navijačima platio da naprave nerede

    Bivši trener banjalučkog Borca Zvjezdan Cvetković organizovao je danas konferenciju za medije na kojoj je optužio direktora kluba Radmila Šipovca za organizovanje nereda na utakmici sa Željom, potkupljivanje sudija i tjeranje iz kluba.

    Cvetković je bez dlake na jeziku iznio teške optužbe na račun direktora Šipovca.

    "Šipovac je dao pare navijačima da naprave nerede na utakmici protiv Željezničara. On je notorni alkoholičar koji gleda samo svoj interes, a ne interes kluba", rekao je Cvetković.

    On je rekao da je Šipovac bio protiv dovođenja Seada Bučana, rekavši "da ne može dovesti baliju u klub".

    Cvetković nije stao na tome pa je Šipovca optužio i za potkupljivanje sudije na utakmici sa Zvijezdom u Gradačcu.

    "Sreo sam ga slučajno na Vlašiću i pitao gdje ide. Rekao je da je krenuo srediti sudiju u Gradačcu. Imao je pet hiljada maraka da sredi pošteno suđenje. Sudija nas je uništio pa se pitam da li je novac uzeo sebi ili je platio sudiju da svira protiv nas kako bi me otjerao", rekao je Cvetković.

    Cvetković kaže da je Šipovac išao toliko daleko da mu je želio dovesti policiju na trening da ga deportuje, jer nije imao radnu dozvolu.

    Nakon žestokih optužbi na njegov račun, oglasio se i direktor Borca Šipovac, koji je najavio sudsku tužbu protiv Cvetkovića.

    "Vidjećemo se na sudu. Morat će dokazati sve ijednu laž koju je rekao", izjavio je Šipovac.

    On je rekao da se Cvetković ovako krije iza loših rezultata. Direktor Borca je izjavio kako ga je najviše od svega zaboljela izjava da nije htio dovest Bučana, jer je "balija".
  15. DinoMostarac

    DinoMostarac Member+

    Aug 16, 2011
    FK Velez
    I don't know man, just seems disgusting either way.

    Zeljo is trying to celebrate its 90th anniversity and you have these scumbags coming over to Sarajevo and ruining it all for them. They never had any desire to watch a football game, but rather go destroy property and harm innocent people.

    I just wish the Manijaci made them pay for it, show them why they should never mess with their city again. I guess Bosnians are too friendly and docile for that.
  16. CipherComplex

    CipherComplex New Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    I consider that a valid point, but we shouldn't be trying to one up Serbian/Croatian fans when it comes to extremism. From the standpoint you mention I still think they should have let the police handle the crowd, than again it is Bosnia and those people can't be relied up on.
  17. BH Fanatico

    BH Fanatico Member+

    AC Milan
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Aug 7, 2011
    FK Sarajevo
    Nat'l Team:
    Absolutely despicable of these Croat fans. They must they create havoc across the state?? Zeljo was just trying to celebrate its 90th birthday.. and yet you see dumb asses across the board starting up shit and ruining everything. With the recent turn of events, a war is more and more likely possible... If this continues up and people end up getting killed the government has to take measures, this is unacceptable.
  18. CipherComplex

    CipherComplex New Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    I blame hooligans in general. It's worse in the Balkans where people are easily controlled through "ethnic" divisions. This is one of the reasons I don't like following soccer from Bosnia. Too much shit politics ruining a game who people all around the world usually enjoy peacefully. I'm hoping this shit dies down because I seriously want to bring my kid to a Bosnian soccer match without having to fear for my life.
  19. BH Fanatico

    BH Fanatico Member+

    AC Milan
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Aug 7, 2011
    FK Sarajevo
    Nat'l Team:
    I really doubt it will die down in the next decade or so. Football should unite people, so maybe just maybe a trip to the European Championship (if we even get lucky a win at the EC) could unite and bring a sense of patriotism... We all know the Serbs and Croats are being brainwashed by Belgrade and Zagreb. If the governments around the balkans can just work together and stop all this ethnic bullshit all these countries broadcast. Live in ********ing harmony for once. BTW.. it seems like the Manijaci did actually do some damage to the the hooligans... threw some torcida fans into the miljaska lol.
  20. CipherComplex

    CipherComplex New Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    True, but the hodzas/Bosnjak politicians are doing the same shit to us too. I know to many friends/family members that will gladly kill a Serb/Croat without hesitation and this is after surviving Srebrenica. It's a circle of hate that I hope stops with the current generations coming up. Can't wait when Bosnia actually gets more objective news. From the clip someone posted couple of days ago I see it's beginning slowly.
  21. BH Fanatico

    BH Fanatico Member+

    AC Milan
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Aug 7, 2011
    FK Sarajevo
    Nat'l Team:
    What link are you exactly talking about?
  22. CipherComplex

    CipherComplex New Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Can't remember the thread it was a reporter talking about the recent streak of hooliganism. I think it was from OBN, not completely sure.
  23. Zeljo Fanatico

    Zeljo Fanatico Member+

    Aug 8, 2011
    You can't compare the hate. They hate us simply because we're Muslim. We hate them because they hate us, simple as that. If they weren't racists/fascists, we wouldn't hate them.
  24. BH Fanatico

    BH Fanatico Member+

    AC Milan
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Aug 7, 2011
    FK Sarajevo
    Nat'l Team:
    They always bring up the Turks, I'm curious to know how the ottomans treated non muslims.
  25. BH Fanatico

    BH Fanatico Member+

    AC Milan
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Aug 7, 2011
    FK Sarajevo
    Nat'l Team:

    Random quote by dude online:


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